[mir.git] / etc / bundles / open_en.properties
1 ########## open posting ##########
2 # language: english
4 langcode=en
5 optional=optional
6 required=required
8 comment.htmltitle=Mir | comment
9 comment.header=Adding a coment to an article
10 comment.password=Password
11 comment.note=
12 comment.formtitle=Comment 
13 comment.title=title of this comment
14 comment.name=your name
15 comment.email=your eMail
16 comment.url=your web site address
17 comment.phone=your telephone number.
18 comment.address=your address
19 comment.language=language of your comment
20 comment.text=your comment
21 comment.submit=submit comment
22 comment.reset=reset form
24 commentdone.htmltitle=Mir | open posting
25 commentdone.thanks=Your comment is on the way!
26 commentdone.wait=It will take some minutes until your addition appears under the article.<br>It may take even longer in case of technical problems.<br>
27 commentdone.criteria=
28 commentdone.stay_calm=Please wait a few minutes
29 commentdone.back=Back to the article
31 commentdupe.htmltitle=Mir | open posting - duplicate entry
32 commentdupe.title=Stay calm. Things will happen soon.
33 commentdupe.explanation=You probably clicked on the reload button or submitted your comment a second time. The fact that you can read this text means that your comment has been recieved and will soon be included in the article page.
34 commentdupe.no_panic=Don't panic
35 commentdupe.back=Back to the article
37 posting.htmltitle=Mir | open posting
38 posting.password=Password
39 posting.meta.description=Mir CMS system
40 posting.meta.author=mir
41 posting.meta.keywords=free media
42 posting.jump_to_form=Jump directly to the form.
43 posting.title=Publish your article!
44 posting.nr_of_media=Number of Media Items (max 20)
45 posting.nr_of_media.info=(Enter the number of files you want to upload and press the button <b>before</b> you enter data into the other fields.)
46 posting.nr_of_media.submit=define number (max 20)
47 posting.form.title=Publishing Form
48 posting.title=<b>titel</b> of your article
49 posting.title.info=(Please use a clear and meaningful title)
50 posting.topic=<b>Topic</b> of your Posting
51 posting.topic.info=(multiple selection is possible. use the [Ctrl] key)
52 posting.author=<b>author</b> of this article
53 posting.abstract=A short <b>abstract</b> of your article
54 posting.abstract.info=(should give the readers a short introduction on what your article is about. If you use the first paragraph of your article for this purpose, please do not include it in the main text field below.)
55 posting.abstract.constraint=(not more than <b>5 lines</b>)
56 posting.contact.info=Contact information is optional but enables other people to get in touch with you.
57 posting.email=your e-mail address
58 posting.url=your web-site address
59 posting.address=your address
60 posting.phone=your telephone number
61 posting.language=the language of your article
62 posting.text=your <b>article</b>
63 posting.text.info=fill in the text of your article here
64 posting.media=media
65 posting.media.info=upload media-files (supported are jpg|gif|mp3|avi|qt|mpeg) max size: 20 Mb
66 posting.media.howto=(Press "Browse" and select the file you want to upload)
67 posting.media.media=Media
68 posting.media.title=media sub-title
69 posting.submit.info=Please press submit <b>only once</b>!<br>It will appear in a few minutes on the main page. It might even take longer in case of technical problems.
70 posting.criteria=
71 posting.submit=Submit (patience is a virtue!)
72 posting.reset=Form Reset
74 postingdone.htmltitle=open posting
75 postingdone.title=You have successfully submitted your article
76 postingdone.info=Your article will appear on the website in a few minutes. 
77 postingdone.stay_calm=
78 postingdone.back=Back
80 postingdupe.htmltitle=open posting - duplicate posting 
81 postingdupe.title=Stay calm. Things will happen soon.
82 postingdupe.explanation=You probably clicked on the reload button or submitted your posting a second time. The fact that you can read this text means that your posting has been recieved and will soon be included in the article page.<br>
83 postingdupe.no_panic=Don't panic
84 postingdupe.back=Back
86 search.info=Results of your search:
87 search.title=SEARCH
88 search.htmltitle=MirSearch (powered by lucene)
89 search.mainsearchfield=Search for the following in title,content, or description: 
90 search.searchbutton=Search!
91 search.refine=Refine your search:
92 search.all_or_any=all words or any of the words?
93 search.all=all words
94 search.any=any of the words
95 search.by_author=search for articles written by:
96 search.by_topic=search in the following topic only:
97 search.all_topics=All topics
98 search.with_images=only return content with images?
99 search.with_audio=only return content with audio?
100 search.with_video=only return content with video?
101 search.yes=yes
102 search.no=no
103 search.sort_how=Sort results how?
104 search.by_score=By score
105 search.old_first=Newest first
106 search.new_first=Oldest first
107 search.back=Back
108 search.forward=Forward
109 search.numhits=Number of hits 
110 search.result.title=Title:
111 search.result.author=Author:
112 search.result.date=Date:
113 search.result.description=Description: