added link to download pdf version of article
[mir.git] / etc / producer / routines.template
1 <comment>\r
2   This file contains several routines to be used in the templates\r
3 </comment>\r
4 \r
5 <function showArticleUrl(aPrefix, anArticle, aText, aCSSClass)>\r
6   <a class="${aCSSClass}" href="/${aPrefix}/${}/${}/${}.shtml">${aText}</a>\r
7 </function>\r
8 \r
9 <function showSafeText(aText)>\r
10   ${utility.encodeHTML(aText)}\r
11 </function>\r
12 \r
13 <function showSafeTextOrDefault(aField, aDefault)>\r
14   <if aField>\r
15     <call showSafeText(aField)>\r
16   <else>\r
17     ${aDefault}\r
18   </if>\r
19 </function>\r
21 <function showAddCommentLink(anArticle, aText, aLanguage)>
22   <a href="${config["Producer.OpenAction"]}?do=addcomment&aid=${}&language=${aLanguage.code}">${aText}</a>
23 </function>
24                             \r
25 <function showArticleMedia(anArticle)>\r
26  <!-- media -->\r
27    <list anArticle.to_media_audio as audio>\r
28       <br>\r
29       <br>\r
30       <a href="${audio["publish_server"]}${audio["publish_path"]}">\r
31           <img src="/images/${video["big_icon"]}" border="0" alt="">\r
32           <call showSafeText(audio.title)> - <call showSafeText(audio.descr)>\r
33       </a>\r
34    </list>\r
35 \r
36    <list anArticle.to_media_video as video>\r
37       <br>\r
38       <br>\r
39       <a href="${video["publish_server"]}${video["publish_path"]}">\r
40           <img src="/images/${video["big_icon"]}" border="0" alt="">\r
41           <call showSafeText(video.title)> - <call showSafeText(video.descr)>\r
42       </a>\r
43    </list>\r
44 \r
45    <list anArticle.to_media_other as other>\r
46       <br>\r
47       <br>\r
48       <a href="${other["publish_server"]}${other["publish_path"]}">\r
49           <img src="/images/${other["big_icon"]}" border="0" alt="">\r
50           <call showSafeText(other.title)> - <call showSafeText(other.descr)>\r
51       </a>\r
52    </list>\r
53 \r
54    <list anArticle.to_media_images as image>\r
55       <br>\r
56       <br>\r
57       <img src="${image["publish_server"]}${image["publish_path"]}"\r
58               border="0" width="${image["img_width"]}"\r
59               height="${image["img_height"]}" alt="${image["title"]}"><br>\r
60       <i><call showSafeText(image.title)></i>\r
61    </list>\r
62  <!-- media -->\r
63 </function>\r
64 \r
65 <function showArticleMediaIcons(anArticle)>\r
66     <if anArticle.to_media_audio > 
67       <img src="/img/${anArticle.to_media_audio[0]["big_icon"]}">
68     </if> 
69     \r
70     <if anArticle.to_media_video > 
71       <img src="/img/${anArticle.to_media_video[0]["big_icon"]}">
72     </if> 
73     \r
74     <if anArticle.to_media_other > 
75       <img src="/img/${anArticle.to_media_other[0]["big_icon"]}">
76     </if> 
77     \r
78       <if anArticle.to_media_images >
79         <img src="${anArticle.to_media_images[0]["icon_path"]}"
80           width="${anArticle.to_media_images[0]["icon_width"]}"
81           height="${anArticle.to_media_images[0]["icon_height"]}"
82           border=0 alt="${anArticle.to_media_images[0]["title"]}">
83       </if> 
84 </function>\r
85 \r
86 <function showArticleAsFeature(anArticle)>\r
87   <h3><call showSafeText(anArticle.title)></h3>
88   <h4><i><call showSafeText(anArticle.creator)>, ${anArticle.creationdate.formatted["dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"]}</i></h4>
89     <p>                  
90         <call showArticleMediaIcons(anArticle)>
91         ${anArticle.description_parsed} \r
92     </p>
93 \r
94     <p align="right">
95       [<call showArticleUrl(pathprefix, anArticle, lang("general.readarticle"), "featurelink")>]
96     </p>
97 </function>\r
98 \r
99 \r
100 <function showArticleAsNewswire(anArticle)>\r
101   <img alt=${anArticle.to_media_icon["icon_alt"]} border="0" height="10"
102        src="${anArticle.to_media_icon["tiny_icon"]}" width="12"> \r
103        \r
104   <call showArticleUrl(pathprefix, anArticle, anArticle.title, "")><br />
105   <font size="-2">${n.creationdate.formatted["dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"]}</font><br>
106 </function>\r
107 \r