########## admin ########## # language: romanian # $Id: admin_ro.properties,v 1.3 2007/04/08 21:46:36 idfx Exp $ languagename = Romana # general yes = da no = nu dontcare = nuconteaza all = tot month = luna year = an file = fisier new = nou by = de help = ajutor # actions insert = insert save = salveaza edit = redacteaza delete = sterge add = adauga filter = filtreaza attach = ataseaza # missing (master value = "remove") deattach = list = browse back = inapoi cancel = canceleaza preview = preview reset = reset administer = administreaza search = cauta # special fileedit = redactareFisier # records records = entries show_from_to = arata de la {0} la {1} no_matches_found = No matching entries! list.next = urmatorul list.previous = precedentul # missing (master value = "Status:") system.status = # missing (master value = "Logged in:") system.loggedin = # media - used by image, audio, video and other media # missing (master value = "Urls") media.urls = Urls media.created = creat media.changed = ultima modificare media.published = publicat media.format = format media.rights = statut copyright media.type = tip media.mediafolder = dosar Media media.title = titlu media.size = marime media.description = descriere media.date = data media.location = loc media.creator = autor media.keywords = keywords media.comment = remarci (pentru uz intern) media.source = sursa media.is_published = publicat media.icon = icoana media.nr_of_media = Number of Media Items (max 20) media.nr_of_media.submit = define number media.comments = Comentarii media.articles = Articole medialist.search_text_in = Cauta text in # image image.htmltitle = Imagine imagelist.htmltitle = Imagini overview # audio audio.htmltitle = Audio audiolist.htmltitle = Audio overview # video video.htmltitle = Video videolist.htmltitle = Video overview # other other_media.htmltitle = Alta media other_medialist.htmltitle = Alta media overview # breaking breaking.htmltitle = Ultimile stiri breaking.textinfo = (max. 5 linii / 250 caractere) breaking.id = id breaking.text = text breaking.date = data breakinglist.htmltitle = Breaking news overview # comment comment.htmltitle = Comentariu comment.date = Data comment.title = Titlu comment.published = Publicat comment.text = Comenteaza textul comment.address = Adresa comment.phone = Telefon comment.email = Email comment.url = Url comment.creator = Autor comment.article = Articol comment.html = HTML comment.status = Statut comment.language = Limba comment.allcomments = Toate comentariile # missing (master value = "Internal Comment") comment.comment = Comentar intern # missing (master value = "(internal)") comment.comment.info = comment.operation.hide = ascunde comment.operation.unhide = neascunde #commentlist commentlist.htmltitle = comentarii commentlist.published = publicat commentlist.hidden = ascuns commentlist.allcomments = Toate comentariile despre acest articol commentlist.search = go! commentlist.activate = activeaza schimbarile commentlist.order = ordoneaza commentlist.order.datedesc = data (desc.) commentlist.order.dateasc = data (asc.) commentlist.order.articletitle = titlul articolui commentsearch.field = Cauta commentsearch.field.title = Titlu commentsearch.field.creator = Autor commentsearch.field.main_url = Url commentsearch.field.email = Email commentsearch.field.description = Descriere # missing (master value = "Internal comment") commentsearch.field.comment = Comentar intern commentsearch.value = Value commentsearch.publishedstate = Statut publicat commentsearch.publishedstate.hidden = Ascuns commentsearch.publishedstate.published = Publicat commentsearch.status = Statut commentsearch.order = Ordine commentsearch.order.datedesc = data (desc.) commentsearch.order.dateasc = data (asc.) commentsearch.order.articletitle = titlul articolui commentsearch.searchbutton = Cauta # confirm confirm.htmltitle = confirmare de stergere confirm.really_delete = Esti sigur ca vrei sa stergi acest articol? 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it might be helpful to {1}: error.text2 = So please send an e-mail with the red text and detailed information regarding the events that led to this error to {1}. Thanks! usererror.htmltitle = Input error usererror.title = Input error usererror.text = Your input caused the following error: usererror.what_to_do = Please press the back button and try it again media.error.unsupportedformat = The format of the media you uploaded is not supported user.error.missingpasswords = The new password must be entered twice user.error.passwordmismatch = The passwords are not equal user.error.missingpassword = A password must be entered user.error.incorrectpassword = Incorrect password ########## infomessages ########## infomessage.htmltitle = Information infomessage.recipeAddedToQueue = Your request has been added to the queue.