#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright 2009 Ian Beckwith # License: GPL v2 or later. use strict; use vars qw($me); $me=($0=~/(?:.*\/)?(.*)/)[0]; use Getopt::Long; use YAML::Any; use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex); use File::Find; use File::Copy; our $CLSCANDIR="debian/clscan"; our $FILESCACHE="$CLSCANDIR/files.yaml"; our $NEWFILES="$CLSCANDIR/new.txt"; our $COPYRIGHTSTUB="$CLSCANDIR/copyright.in"; my $gpl_boilerplate=<<"EOL"; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . EOL my $lgpl2_boilerplate=<<"EOL"; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. EOL my $lgpl3_boilerplate=<<"EOL"; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . EOL # license overrides as specified in modules/* our $module_licenses = { "public domain" => { license => "PD", license_text => "", }, "unlimited" => { license => "other", license_text => "This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation\n" . "gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,\n" . "with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.\n", }, "LGPL" => { license => "LGPL", license_text => $lgpl3_boilerplate, }, "LGPLv2+" => { license => "LGPL-2+", license_text => $lgpl2_boilerplate, }, "LGPLv3+" => { license => "LGPL-3+", license_text => $lgpl3_boilerplate, }, "unmodifiable license text" => { license => "other", license_text => "Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies\n" . "of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.\n", }, "GPLed build tool" => { license => "GPL", license_text => $gpl_boilerplate, }, "GPL" => { license => "GPL", license_text => $gpl_boilerplate, }, }; our @filenames=(); our %overrides=(); our $files={}; our $new={}; our @deleted_files=(); # actions my $scan=0; my $merge=0; my $writecopyright=0; usage() unless(@ARGV); usage() unless GetOptions("scan|s" => \$scan, "merge|m" => \$merge, "write|w" => \$writecopyright, "help|h" => sub { usage(); }); load_cache(); scan() if($scan); merge() if($merge); write_copyright() if ($merge || $writecopyright); sub scan { get_filenames(); for my $file (@filenames) { scan_file($file); } find_deleted(); write_new(); } sub merge { merge_new(); load_overrides(); save_cache(); } sub write_copyright { unless(keys(%$files)) { die("$me: no files known, run $0 --scan\n"); } unless(copy($COPYRIGHTSTUB, "debian/copyright")) { die("$me: cannot copy $COPYRIGHTSTUB to debian/copyright: $!\n"); } unless(open(COPYRIGHT, ">>debian/copyright")) { die("$me: cannot append to debian/copyright: $!\n"); } # group files by license/license_text/copyright my $licenses={}; for my $file (sort keys(%$files)) { my $license=$files->{$file}->{license_override} || $files->{$file}->{license}; my $copyright=$files->{$file}->{copyright}; my $license_text=$files->{$file}->{license_text_override} || $files->{$file}->{license_text}; push(@{$licenses->{$license}->{$license_text}->{$copyright}}, $file); } my %refs=(); my $refnum="00"; for my $license (sort keys(%$licenses)) { for my $license_text (sort keys(%{$licenses->{$license}})) { my $licensestr=$license; if(length($license_text)) { $refnum++; # license_text + empty license = License: other if(!length($license)) { $licensestr = "other"; } $licensestr .= " [REF$refnum]"; $refs{$licensestr}=$license_text; } for my $copyright (sort keys(%{$licenses->{$license}->{$license_text}})) { next if(!length($license) && !length($copyright) && !length($license_text)); my @filelist=sort @{$licenses->{$license}->{$license_text}->{$copyright}}; print COPYRIGHT "Files: ", join(', ', @filelist), "\n"; print COPYRIGHT "Copyright: $copyright\n" if length($copyright); print COPYRIGHT "License: $licensestr\n" if length($licensestr); print COPYRIGHT "\n"; } } } for my $ref (sort byref keys(%refs)) { print COPYRIGHT "License: $ref\n"; my @text=split(/\n/, $refs{$ref}); print COPYRIGHT map { " " . $_ . "\n" } @text; print COPYRIGHT "\n"; } print COPYRIGHT license_trailer(sort keys(%$licenses)); close(COPYRIGHT); } sub byref { my $aref=($a=~/\[REF(\d+)\]/)[0]; my $bref=($b=~/\[REF(\d+)\]/)[0]; if($aref && $bref) { return($aref <=> $bref); } return($a cmp $b); } sub license_trailer { my @licenses_used=@_; my $license_data = { "Apache-2.0" => "Apache License Version 2.0", "Artistic" => "Artistic License", "GFDL-1.2" => "GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.2", "GFDL-1.3" => "GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.3", "GFDL" => "GNU Free Documentation License", "GPL-2" => "GNU General Public License Version 2", "GPL-3" => "GNU General Public License Version 3", "GPL" => "GNU General Public License", "LGPL-2" => "GNU Library General Public License Version 2", "LGPL-2.1" => "GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1", "LGPL-3" => "GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3", "LGPL" => "GNU Lesser General Public License", }; my %types_found=(); for my $type (reverse sort keys(%$license_data)) { for my $license (@licenses_used) { if($license =~ /$type(\+|\s|$)/i) { $types_found{$type}=1; } } } my $text="\n"; # if just one, use standard style if(keys(%types_found) == 1) { my ($file, $name)=each(%types_found); $text .= "The complete text of the $name can be\n"; $text .= "found in /usr/share/common-licenses/$file\n"; } else { # more than one, use table. $text .= "The complete text of standard licenses referenced above\n"; $text .= "can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/ as follows:\n\n"; $text .= sprintf("%-60s %s\n", "LICENSE", "FILE"); for my $type (sort keys(%types_found)) { $text .= sprintf("%-60s %s\n", $license_data->{$type}, $type); } } return $text; } sub guess_license { my $file=shift; my $license=''; my $copyright=''; if(open(LICENSECHECK, "licensecheck --copyright \"$file\"|")) { while() { chomp; if(/^\s+\[(.*)\]$/) { $copyright=$1; } elsif(/.*:\s+(.*)/) { $license=$1; } } close(LICENSECHECK); $copyright =~ s/^\s*Copyright\s*:\s*//; $license =~ s/.*UNKNOWN.*//; $license =~ s/(L?GPL) \(v([\.\d]+) or later\)/$1-$2+/i; $license =~ s/(L?GPL) \(v([\.\d]+)\)/$1-$2/i; $license =~ s/G?FDL \(v([\.\d]+) or later\)/GFDL-$1+/i; $license =~ s/G?FDL \(v([\.\d]+)\)/GFDL-$1/i; $license =~ s/Apache \(v([\.\d]+) or later\)/Apache-$1+/i; $license =~ s/Apache \(v([\.\d]+)\)/Apache-$1+/i; } return($license, $copyright); } sub scan_file { my $filename=shift; unless(open(FILE, $filename)) { warn("$me: $filename: cannot open: $!\n"); return; } my $header=''; for(my $i=0; $i < 15; $i++) { my $line=; last unless($line); $header .= $line; } close(FILE); my $hash=sha256_hex($header); if( (!exists($files->{$filename})) || ($files->{$filename}->{hash} ne $hash)) { filechanged($filename, $hash, $header); } } sub filechanged { my($filename, $hash, $header)=@_; my($license_guess, $copyright_guess)=guess_license($filename); $new->{$filename}={ hash=>$hash, license=>$license_guess, copyright=>$copyright_guess, header=>$header, }; if(exists($files->{$filename})) { if(exists($files->{$filename}->{copyright})) { $new->{$filename}->{copyright}=$files->{$filename}->{copyright}; $new->{$filename}->{copyright_guess}=$copyright_guess; } if(exists($files->{$filename}->{license})) { $new->{$filename}->{license}=$files->{$filename}->{license}; $new->{$filename}->{license_guess}=$license_guess; } if(exists($files->{$filename}->{license_text})) { $new->{$filename}->{license_text}=$files->{$filename}->{license_text}; } } } sub get_filenames { find(\&wanted_files, "."); } sub wanted_files { if(/^\.git/ || /^\.cvs/ || /^debian/ || /^modules$/) { $File::Find::prune=1; } elsif(-f) { push(@filenames, $File::Find::name); } } sub wanted_modules { if(/^\.[^\/]/ || /^README$/ || /^COPYING$/) { $File::Find::prune=1; return; } elsif(-f) { unless(open(MOD, $File::Find::name)) { warn("$me: cannot open $File::Find::name: $!\n"); return; } my $infiles=0; my $inlicense=0; my @files=(); while() { chomp; if(/^$/) { $infiles = $inlicense = 0; } if($inlicense) { push(@{$overrides{$_}},@files); $inlicense=0; } elsif($infiles) { push(@files, $_); } elsif(/^License:/) { $inlicense=1; } elsif(/^Files:/) { $infiles=1; } } close(MOD); } } sub load_overrides { find({ wanted => \&wanted_modules, no_chdir => 1}, "modules/"); for my $license (keys(%overrides)) { if(!exists($module_licenses->{$license})) { die("$me: license override \"$license\" not found in \$module_licenses\n"); } my @overridden_files=map { "./" . $_; } @{$overrides{$license}}; for my $file (@overridden_files) { my $override=$module_licenses->{$license}; if(length($override->{license})) { $files->{$file}->{license_override}=$override->{license}; } if(length($override->{license_text})) { $files->{$file}->{license_text_override}=$override->{license_text}; } } } } sub load_cache { unless(open(YAML,$FILESCACHE)) { warn("$me: cannot load cache $FILESCACHE: $!\n"); return; } my $yaml; { local $/=undef; $yaml=; } close(YAML); $files=Load($yaml); } sub save_cache { backup($FILESCACHE); unless(open(YAML,">$FILESCACHE")) { warn("$me: cannot save cache $FILESCACHE: $!\n"); return; } print YAML Dump($files); close(YAML); } sub write_new { backup($NEWFILES); unless(keys(%$new)) { warn("$me: no new/changed files found\n"); } unless(open(NEW,">$NEWFILES")) { die("$me: cannot write to $NEWFILES: $!\n"); } for my $file (sort keys %$new) { print NEW "File: $file\n"; print NEW "Hash: ", $new->{$file}->{hash}, "\n"; print NEW "Copyright: ", $new->{$file}->{copyright}, "\n"; if($new->{$file}->{copyright_guess}) { print NEW "#Copyright_guess: ", $new->{$file}->{copyright_guess}, "\n"; } print NEW "License: ", $new->{$file}->{license}, "\n"; if($new->{$file}->{license_guess}) { print NEW "#License_guess: ", $new->{$file}->{license_guess}, "\n"; } if($new->{$file}->{license_text}) { my @text=split(/\n/, $new->{$file}->{license_text}); print NEW "\t" . join("\n\t", @text), "\n"; } print NEW "#Header: \n"; my @headerlines=split(/\n/, $new->{$file}->{header}); @headerlines=map { "#" . $_ } grep { defined $_; } @headerlines; print NEW join("\n", @headerlines); print NEW "\n\n"; } if(@deleted_files) { print NEW map { "Deleted: $_\n"; } @deleted_files; } close NEW; } sub merge_new { unless(open(NEW, $NEWFILES)) { die("$me: $NEWFILES: cannot open: $!\n"); } my $license=''; my $copyright=''; my $hash=''; my $file=''; my $license_text=''; my $in_license_text=0; my $line=0; while() { $line++; chomp; next if(/^\s*\#/); if($in_license_text && /^\s+(.*)/) { $license_text .= $1 . "\n"; } elsif(/^\s*$/) { next; } elsif(/^File:\s*(.*)/) { my $newfile=$1; # save previous entry if(length($file) && length($hash)) { $files->{$file}={ hash=>$hash, copyright=>$copyright, license=>$license, license_text=>$license_text }; } $file=$newfile; $license=''; $copyright=''; $hash=''; $license_text=''; $in_license_text = 0; } elsif(/^Hash:\s*(.*)/) { $hash=$1; } elsif(/^Copyright:\s*(.*)/) { $copyright=$1; } elsif(/^License:\s*(.*)/) { $license=$1; $in_license_text=1; $license_text=''; } elsif(/^Deleted:\s*(.*)/) { if(exists($files->{$1})) { delete($files->{$1}); } } else { warn("$me: $NEWFILES: line $line not recognized\n"); } } close(NEW); # save last entry if(length($file) && length($hash)) { $files->{$file}={ hash=>$hash, copyright=>$copyright, license=>$license, license_text=>$license_text }; } } sub find_deleted { my %newnames = map { $_ => 1 } @filenames; for my $file (sort keys(%$files)) { unless(exists($newnames{$file})) { push(@deleted_files, $file); } } if(@deleted_files) { print "Removed files:\n"; print join("\n", @deleted_files),"\n"; } } sub backup { my $base=shift; my $old="$base.old"; if(-f $base) { unlink($base); move($base, $old); } } sub usage { die("usage: $me [--scan] [--merge]\n", "scans for changed copyright/licenses\n", " -s|-scan Scan for new files & files with changed copyright headers\n", " Writes to debian/clscan/new.txt for manual review.\n", " -m|--merge Merges new data from debian/clscan/new.txt\n", " -w|--write Writes updated debian/copyright.\n", " --merge implies --write.\n"); }