last changed: $Date: 2002/12/08 04:59:51 $. 2002 mir-coders -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUG REPORTS Please read this file before sending in a bug report or patch. Where to send ============= Send comments, bug reports, patches, etc. to What to send ============ Please specify the relevant versions of the software that you are running Mir under. i.e JVM name and version (IBM, Sun,..), what compiler was used (javac or jikes), tomcat version. Of course, you should always specify what version of Mir you are running. If you are running a version check'out of CVS, please specify when you checked it out and from which branch (e.g MIR_1_0, HEAD..). Also if you can specify the versions of relevant files using "cvs status". If you received an Exception while running Mir, please mail in the "Oops" you got (if you got one) and try to find and error in one of the Mir/log/* files. Also, a stack trace can usually be found in one of the tomcat log files. For example, in tomcat4 you can look at the .../logs/catalina.out file or the .../logs/localhost_log.yyyy-mm-dd.txt, where the date is of the last time tomcat was started. Under the Debian package installation, the tomcat logs can be found under /var/log/tomcat... It is probably similar for other distributions. If you are using the tarball from, the logs dir. is directly in the root of the tomcat tree. Patches ======= Please send in patches that are a diff between an unmodified tree and your tree with the changes: diff -Nur standard-mir-dir your-mir-dir