[Updated 19.02.2002. -mh] General/Forever valid: a) watch performance.. mimimize SQL b) try to use more freemarker feature like transformations when possible instead of putting it in Java code. i.e make it more localizable. Version 1.0: Bugfixes/Improvements: a) installation-procedure - config.porperties has to be cleaned and has to be better documentated. (half done, mh) --> config.properties is being replaced with new config system. - build.sh should be more intelligent. (underway, convert to build.xml, mj) - templates-directory should be splittet in two directories: "internal"- (openmir and mir templates) and "external"-templates (producer-templates) b) code-cleaning - the variable-names for the freemarker should be better: the same name for the same thing c) We have to make sure that all errors are handled intelligently. e.g. if an article is corrupt, do we just ignore it, etc.. (done, mh) d) Admin interface needs to be made aware of media handlers (mh, tob) e) insposting() in ServletModuleOpenIndy should not insert article text if any associated media upload is wrong. (done, mh) c) documentation - it lacks a documentation for creating the producer-templates d) new layout Mir/OpenMir (underway, indy de team??) e) translating the templates/code-comments to english (underway, mir-coders) f) mission-statement and licensing g) there are no memory-leaks h) tomcat 4.x (done, magic) i) poolman (done, idfx) New Features: a) Multifile-Upload in OpenMir and Mir (done, idfx) b) Video and audio-upload in OpenMir and Mir: How will this files be stored, what has to be done in the producer-code? (done, mh) c) Coverage: Alternative start-page for e.g. a event like genua. every article that has something to do with this event can be seen on this page. (nn) d) Multilanguage-Support (Step 1): Producing html-pages with navigation for every language. Topics and coverage-titles have to be saved in the db in every language that is needed. (idfx) A d.1) Templates should be made common for all languages. (kellan) e) It should be possible to choose between direct and indirect open posting. (09/14/2001, done, idfx). f) Editing producer-templates in the mir-servlet. (idfx) g) "Upcoming Events"-include-file (ha) e) indymedia-links (fh) Version 1.1: New Features: a) Multilanguage-Support (Step 2): Separate OpenMir-servlet to publish a tranlation of an article. If a article has translations, only the translated versions are produced in the language the translated article is. b) single template for all languages. i.e use gettext like system for templates. (underway, kellan, br1) b) P2P-Data-Transfer/Content-Syndication: Implementing RDF/RSS-Support or a own indymedia-protocoll. c) dynamically creating "internal"-templates for new languages. d) email-article-to-a-friend-servlet e) semidynamic create-pdf-from-article-servlet: every requested pdf should be cached Version 2: Database-Layer a) Container Managed Persistance (EJB) Testing: - resin (idfx)