This folder contains all necessary java libraries to compile MIR. Have a look at the /doc folder for java libraries that have to be present on your system in order to make MIR run. The libraries should be stored in this folder containing their version in the filename. The filename should look like: name-of-library-x.y.z.jar A description and url should be added here. Please keep track of the documentation! If there are things to be done regarding a certain library, this is stated in a todo field Make sure to check in the libs with the binary flag. If you forgot to do so you can fire up "cvs admin -kb [name_of_lib]" Now the descriptions in alphabetical order: avalon-framework-4.0 ------------------------------------------------ version : 4.0 url : description: The Avalon Framework consists of interfaces that define relationships between commonly used application components, best-of-practice pattern enforcements, and several lightweight convenience implementations of the generic components. todo : update to 4.1.4 batik ------------------------------------------------ version : ?? url : description: batik is for images in the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) todo : check if necessary / update to version 1.1.1 MIR compiles without it. Is it (still) necessary? commons-codec ------------------------------------------------ version : 1.1 url : description: Needed for base64 commons-collections ------------------------------------------------ version : 2.1 url : description: needed for parsing the configuration properties file and provides more useful collections like a LRUCache commons-net ------------------------------------------------ version : 1.0 url : description: needed for the mail feature cos ------------------------------------------------ version : 05Nov2002 url : description: servlet utilities by oreilly todo : replace due to the license fop ------------------------------------------------ version : ?? url : description: todo : The latest stable version is FOP-0.20.4 check if necessary freemarker.jar / freemarker-utility.jar ------------------------------------------------ version : 1.6.2 (probably) url : description: template engine todo : update to version 1.7.5 template changes involved on update gnu-regexp ------------------------------------------------ version : 1.1.4 url : description: GNU regular expression library todo : check if to be replaced with jakarta commons regexp jimi ------------------------------------------------ version : ?? url : description: Jimi is a class library for managing images todo : check for update / check if necessary log4j ------------------------------------------------ version : 1.2.8 url : description: Jakarta Log4J standard library for the logging layer of MIR. logkit ------------------------------------------------ version : 1.0 url : description: LogKit is an easy to use logging toolkit. depends on : avalon todo : update to version 1.2 lucene ------------------------------------------------ version : 1.2 url : description: Jakarta Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. multex ------------------------------------------------ version : 3 url : description: nested exceptions todo : rename to multex-3.jar poolman ------------------------------------------------ version : ?? url : url : description: PoolMan is no longer available or supported Connection and object pooling mechanisms: they can now be found in application servers [...] Tomcat and the Jakarta Project, and other J2EE products and servers. todo : find replacement postgresql ------------------------------------------------ version : 7.2 (jdbc2-version) url : description: JDBC driver for postgresql database strutsmesg ------------------------------------------------ version : ?? url : description: Extracted from struts 1.0 todo : update