Template: ckermit/iksd Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Enable Internet Kermit Service Daemon (IKSD) in inetd.conf? The Internet Kermit Service Daemon (IKSD) is the C-Kermit program running as an Internet service, similar to an FTP or Telnet server. It executes Telnet protocol just like a Telnet server and it transfers files like an FTP server. But unlike an FTP server, IKSD uses the Kermit file transfer protocol (which is more powerful and flexible) and allows both FTP-like client/server connections as well as direct keyboard interaction. Secure authentication methods and encrypted sessions are available, as well as a wide range of file transfer and management functions, which can be scripted to automate arbitrarily complex tasks. Template: ckermit/iksd-anon Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Enable anonymous IKSD logins? IKSD supports anonymous logins (using chroot), similar to anonymous FTP. Template: ckermit/iksd-anondir Type: string Default: /home/ftp _Description: Directory for anonymous IKSD logins: Enter directory for anonymous IKSD logins. A chroot() will be performed into this directory on login. This directory will NOT be created. . The default is /home/ftp (same as wu-ftpd). Template: ckermit/iksd-no-inetd Type: error #flag:translate!:3 _Description: No inet daemon found, so IKSD cannot be configured. Please install an inetd (e.g. openbsd-inetd) and then reconfigure ckermit with: . dpkg-reconfigure ckermit