Revision history for Perl extension URI::Template 0.21 2015-01-08 - variables() now returns items in their order of appearance (Artem Krivopolenov) 0.20 2015-01-05 - Handle "0" as a template properly (RT 101109) 0.19 2015-01-05 - Allow empty template as per spec (RT 101109) - template() now accepts a new string as an argument (Artem Krivopolenov) 0.18 2013-12-05 - Fix empty hash/array special casing to not return anything 0.17 2013-03-11 - Special case return from empty hash and array values in query strings 0.16 2012-05-30 - Conform to latest spec RFC 6570 (RT 66651) - Re-use test suite from official github repo 0.15 2009-01-19 - Promote dev release to stable 0.14_01 2008-09-09 - Conform to latest spec (draft 03) (Ricardo SIGNES) Due to the new spec, the following are no longer applicable: - deparse() - all_variables() - passing an arrayref to the process subs - as_string() is now just template() (Ricardo SIGNES) - added expansions() - returns the coderefs used to expand the template (Ricardo SIGNES) - add support for default values (where applicable) 0.13 2008-02-12 - Properly terminate deparse regex (Karen Cravens) 0.12 2008-02-10 - Attempt to fix deparse() when the template ends in a variable 0.11 2008-02-08 - require perl 5.6 minimum 0.10 2008-01-16 - fix test suite for JSON 2.x 0.09 2007-08-28 - minor doc update 0.08_02 2007-07-31 - switch to Module::Install - extract part of the test suite into a generic json-formatted structure 0.08_01 2007-07-29 - handle new escaping rules from the latest spec. 0.07 2007-05-24 - allow the user to pass an array ref to process and process_to_string which fills values by position - added all_variables() which returns all arguments by position (including duplicates) 0.06 2007-04-23 - added some caching for better deparse() performance [Paul "LeoNerd" Evans] 0.05 2007-04-19 - fix test for variables() - added a note that the results from variables() are in random order 0.04 2007-01-22 - fix undef values when processing 0.03 2007-01-16 - added a simple deparse() method 0.02 2007-01-16 - added process_to_string() method 0.01 2007-01-15 - original version