postgresql - installation doku - version 7.1.x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prerequisites: we installed postgres on machines with debian / kernel 2.2 / jdk 1.3 (blackdown), make sure you don't have postgresql installed via debian / apt-get. if you do purge the installation. the following things have to be done as superuser (if not otherwise stated): 1. make sure you have: libreadline-dev perl-dev ant >= 1.3 (blackdown) jdk1.3 2. get the tarball from tar xvfz postgresql-7.1.3.tar.gz 3. configure ./configure --enable-odbc --enable-syslog --with-perl --enable-multibyte=UNICODE \ --enable-locale --enable-unicode-conversion --enable-recode --with-java 4. make two problems with the compilation of the jdbc-driver might occur: a) an error message "no modern / no classic-compiler" to get rid of this error you have to set a link in /usr/lib/j2re/lib/ext to: /usr/lib/j2sdk/lib/tools.jar b) an error message "zip-file must have at least one entry" to get rid of this error: make sure you have ant-1.3 installed 5. make install 6. pg_dumplo you should install "pg_dumplo" from the contrib part of the postgresql-source. this little programm enables you to dump the database *including* the oid (blobs). cd contrib/pg_dumplo make make install 7. the start-scripts change to the start-scripts folder in the contrib-part. cd ../start-scripts cp linux /etc/init.d/postgresql chmod a+x /etc/init.d/postgresql update-rc.d postgresql defaults edit the start-script in /etc/init.d/postgresql, and make sure postgresql is started with the "-i" option. to enable this insert '-o "-i"' after 'start', which should look like: start) $ECHO_N "Starting PostgreSQL: "$ECHO_C su - $PGUSER -c "$DAEMON start -o '-i' -D '$PGDATA' -s -l PGLOG" echo "ok" ;; 8. adding a user / starting the database adduser postgres passwd postgres mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data chown postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data su - postgres /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data /etc/init.d/postgresql start /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb test /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql test Fine! - now you can continue with the postgresql-section in INSTALL.mir Good luck.