MIR INSTALLATION HOWTO Last updated: $Date: 2002/10/25 20:22:10 $ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a short installation-howto of Mir, somewhat more explicit than the earlier version. Some Debian-specific instructions are given. prerequisites: - tomcat 4.0.4 (4.0.3 and below have some bad bugs) or above (3.3 works too as of 04.04.2002, but this could change) tomcat is available from http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/ - apache 1.3.x. with mod_jk.so. As far as I can tell the connector for 2.x is still rather undocumented. http://httpd.apache.org - postgres 7.1.x or 7.2.x. http://www.postgresql.org - ant (a java-based make) - jaxp-1.1 (a SAX 2.0 compliant XML parser, comes with ant >= 1.4) - the JAI image framework (Java Advanced Imaging) versin 1.1.1 . get it from java.sun.com. ** NOTE: because JAI uses a native acceration library (a .so) it must be placed in tomcat's "lib" (i.e $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib) directory and not under the default webapps/Mir/WEB-INF/lib directory ** - A good reading of Tomcat, Apache and Postgresql documentation if you are not familiar with any of them. The documentation is available at: http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.0-doc/index.html, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/ and http://www.postgresql.org respectively. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. To set all this up on Debian: make sure you have stable, testing, and unstable listings in /etc/apt/sources.list. THen do all the following as root or using sudo! If you already have tomcat, and it's working well with apache, then skip directly to (c). If it's not working well, then make sure you purge _all_ conf files & so forth ( though it never hurts to back them up first). "apt-get remove --purge" may not get rid of everything; try locate tomcat and then delete all the files you find (again, if you're unsure what they are, then back them up first). (a) Install Java apt-get install j2sdk1.3 j2sdk1.3-doc JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.3; export JAVA_HOME PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin; export PATH (add these lines to your .bashrc as well) (b) Installing Tomcat and Apache As root, do the following: apt-get install apache configure apache by editing httpd.conf: * enable shtml includes: - add LoadModule includes_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_include.so - make sure your directory contains "Options Includes" * Determine if you need to modify any apache mime-mappings - The web-server host must recognize the .m3u, .pls and other file extensions and send the proper "audio/x-mpegurl" and "audio/x-scpls" mime-types respectively. If the web server is apache, it's easy, just add: audio/x-mpegurl m3u audio/x-scpl pls to the file pointed to by the "TypesConfig" command in your apache config file. Or add and equivalent AddType command to your httpd.conf. Of course this assumes that the mod_mime is loaded. Now deal with Tomcat: apt-get install -t unstable tomcat4 tomcat4-webapps tomcat4-admin --> this gets you tomcat4.1. You can work with tomcat 4.0.4 as well, but a couple of specific configuration elements are different. To get 4.0.4, run the following: apt-get install -t testing tomcat4 tomcat4-webapps apt-get install apachelib-java Tomcat will be installed in /usr/share/tomcat4, so you should put CATALINA_HOME=/usr/share/tomcat4; export CATALINA_HOME TOMCAT_HOME=$CATALINA_HOME; export TOMCAT_HOME in your .bashrc; you might as well execute the ocmmand right now as well. I found it somewhat difficult to get Tomcat and Apache working together, until I emailed the Debian package maintainer, who told me that he had purposely removed the mod_jk.conf-auto function from Tomcat4.1! This is because Debian encourages Tomcat users to switch to mod_webapp instead. You may want to try this option out. I didn't, because I was able to get it working using the JkMount option. So in /etc/apache/httpd.conf, look for a section like this at the end: # The following line is for apacheconfig - DO NOT REMOVE! JkWorkersFile /etc/tomcat/jk/workers.properties Include /var/lib/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf This has been insrted by libapache-java to try to get mod_jk to work. unfortunately it doesn't work with Tomcat 4.1, so replace it with the following: # The following line is for apacheconfig - DO NOT REMOVE! JkWorkersFile /etc/tomcat/jk/workers.properties JkMount /*.jsp ajp13 JkMount /Mir ajp13 JkMount /Mir/* ajp13 JkMount /servlet ajp13 jkMount /examples/* ajp13 #Include /var/lib/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf restart tomcat(as root): /usr/share/tomcat4/bin/shutdown.sh /usr/share/tomcat4/bin/startup.sh restart apache(as root): apachectl restart In your browser, check to see if each pogram is working on its own: http://localhost should give you the debian apache start page http://localhost:8180 should give you the tomcat start page now check to see if mod_jk is allowing the two programs to connect: http://localhost/examples/servlets/index.html should give you the Tomcat example servlets. Once this is working, you should enable the tomcat manager application: cd /usr/share/tomcat4/conf open tomcat-users.xml in a text editor. Add a line like this: You should now be able to click on the "Manager" link on the Tomcat home page, log in, and use the Manager functions. This is extremely convenient when you're eloading Mir multiple times later on! (c) install postgres: apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-doc --> the new postgres package should work fine with Mir. Make sure you enable UNICODE, and if asked about JDBC (you shouldn't be) make sure to enable it as well. if you would like to try a graphical frontend for the database, find one using apt-cache show postgresql fmailiarize yourself with the psql interface, and the function of the "postgres" user. (d) install JAI go to: http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jai/downloads/download.html and download the "CLASSPATH for Linux" version of the JAI package (1.1.01 works fine, later versions have not been tested by me) to /usr/share/tomcat4/common/lib now: cd /usr/share/tomcat4/common/lib gunzip "name_of_file.tar.gz" (don't use the quotes: replace with the real name of the file you downloaded!) tar -xvf "name_of_file.tar" read the instructions in /usr/share/tomcat4/common/lib/jai_whatever_version_you_have/INSTALL-jai.txt Now add the JAI files to your CLASSPATH and LSD_LIBRARY_PATH: JAIHOME=$TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib/jai-1_1_1_01/lib; export JAIHOME CLASSPATH=$JAIHOME/jai_core.jar:$JAIHOME/jai_codec.jar:$JAIHOME/mlibwrapper_jai.jar:$CLASSPATH; export CLASSPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$JAIHOME:$CLASSPATH; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH --> make sure to replace "jai-1_1_1_01" in the above with the version-number of your copy of JAI --> as above, it's a good idea to add these lines to your .bashrc --------------------------------------------------------------- (1) CONFIGURE MIR! (a). get the latest version: cd to the directory where you would like to install the mir package cd /absolute/path CVS LOGIN: cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@mir.indymedia.org:/var/lib/cvs login password: anonymous CVS CHECKOUT: cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@mir.indymedia.org:/var/lib/cvs co mir (b) customize the config: cd mir/etc cp config.properties-dist config.properties now customize config.properties for your needs. config.properties is pretty well-documented, but read it carefully. I had to recompile several times before I got all the pathnames right. (c) configure the perms.sh file if neccessary -- IMPORTANT! READ THIS! We provide a script that sets all files' and direcories' permissions to a quite reasonable state. This script gets automagically called by ant after compilationl. The most important thing you have to do after compiling Mir is to ensure that the log files -- especially dbentity.log -- are not readable by users that could compromise system security, because all passwords and the like will be logged here. cp perms.sh-dist perms.sh Now, change the install directory and group in perms.sh edit perms.sh (d) Customize the templates you need to edit the templates before compiling, or not all of your changes will show up in the produced site. If this is too intimidating, don't worry -- you can always recompile! It only takes about a minute... (e) check web.xml! --> tomcat 4.1 has a different method of composing servlet URL's, so if you are uasing 4.1, you wil need to make some minor changes to mir/etc/web.xml look for sections like this: Mir /Mir the url-pattern has to change; so replace the above with: Mir /servlet/Mir make sure to do the same for OpenMir and OutputMir. ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT! It is a good idea to skip ahead to (2) and create the Postgres database at this point. Then cd back to the mir directory, and continue. ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- (f) compile. Make sure all the environment variables are set as indicated in section (0), or build.xml will not run properly: su ant This should take about a minute. If you don't get an error, run perms.sh: sudo perms.sh Do this as root so the permissions script is able to set the permissions and owners correctly. (g) Get Tomcat to recognize Mir. Link in the webapps directory of tomcat to the install directory (unless you changed the setting in config.properties, the directory is called "Mir" and is located in the same directory in which you installed the "mir" directory). (Here and in the rest of this document, we assume you called the link "Mir", but this could be named anything.) cd /path/to/tomcat/webapps (tomcat-4.0.x/webapps) ln -s /path/to/Mir Mir dynamically reload Mir: http://localhost:8180/manager/stop?path=/Mir if you're not using the Debian installation, you need to use: http://localhost:8080/manager/stop?path=/Mir if you're using Tomcat 3.3, you need to restart Tomcat (consult the docs for how to do that). (h) Copy any dynamic library files ending with ".so" (so far only the JAI native acceleration library found in the JAI package tarball or zip from sun) to your $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/i386 directory (where the other ".so" files live). Or, you can skip the whole thing and live without "native" acceleration for image manupulation. (2) CREATE AND CONLFIGURE THE MIR DATABASE! Review mir/etc/config.properties. Look carefully at the entries you put in the DATABASE SETUP section, especially the Username, Password, Host, and Name variables. If you don't know anything about Postgres, look over the INSTALL.postgresql document, which is very helpful (but remember, you don't need to install postgresql from scratch anymore if you're on Debian woody!). Please do not use the "postgres" user in config.properties -- this is a serious security risk. Choose a username,a password, and a database name, then put those values in config.properties if you haven't already. (a) Create the new database We create and configure the database as posgresql user "postgres": createdb -U postgres --encoding=unicode Mir --> here and elsewhere, replace "Mir" with the name you already chose for your database (b) create an unprivileged database user for Mir First, connect to the database as the database's superuser. psql -U postgres Mir Now we create the actual user. Please choose a password that is hard to guess instead of "joshua". Good passwords have characters and numerals in it, have no link to its owner (like being her birthday, age, name of her husband, dog, child, car, favourite beer brand). A good password looks like this: "8ncx4un". CREATE USER Mir WITH PASSWORD 'joshua' NOCREATEDB NOCREATEUSER; --> again, don't just copy this into the psql command line -- replace "Mir" and "joshua" with your username and password from config.properties now exit: \q (c) create base table cd back to the mir home directory. now execute the following: psql -Upostgres -f dbscripts/create_pg.sql Mir now quit psql: \q back in the shell, execute the dbscripts: for i in dbscripts/help*.sql ; do psql -Upostgres -f $i Mir ; done for i in dbscripts/populate*.sql ; do psql -Upostgres -f $i Mir ; done (d) Grant the required permissions to the new user First, make your new user into the database administrator for the new database (instead of postgres): psql -U postgres Mir select * from pg_database; select * from pg_user; you'll see a display like this: usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usetrace | usesuper | usecatupd | passwd | valuntil --------------+----------+-------------+----------+----------+-----------+----------+---------- postgres | 1 | t | t | t | t | ******** | matt | 100 | t | f | t | t | ******** | mir | 101 | f | f | f | f | ******** | followed by datname | datdba | encoding | datistemplate | datallowconn | datlastsysoid | datvacuumxid | datfrozenxid | datpath -----------+--------+----------+---------------+--------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+--------- template1 | 1 | 5 | t | t | 16554 | 11258 | 3221236731 | template0 | 1 | 5 | t | f | 16554 | 49 | 49 | Mir | 1 | 5 | f | t | 16554 | 10805 | 3221236278 | note the "usesysid" column for your new user, and the datname for your new database. now execute the following line, obviousjly using the variable you just noted: update pg_database set datdba=USESYSID_FROM_PG_USER where datname=DATABASENAME now exit psql: \q save the following lines to a file called set.permissions: select 'grant all on '||relname||' to Mir;' from pg_class where relname not like 'pg%' order by relname; -->be sure to replace "Mir" with your username!!! (e) Apply neccessary changes to config.properties --> if you folowed the instructions above, you shouldn't have to do this, but doublecheck! Please open config.properties and look for the lines that begin with "Database.". The interesting properties are "Username", "Password", "Host" and "Name". Change these properties so that they reflect the settings you used to create the database and the user. You should make sure that no copy of config.properties (neither in mir nor in Mir/src nor in Mir/WEB-INF/classes nor in the directory tree you compiled Mir from) is world-readable. Else you wouldn't have to install a password, anyway. (f) Setup PostgreSQL so that all connections have to pass a password In /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf you should make sure that nobody can use the database without a password, by inserting these lines: local all password host all password host all reject make sure you comment out all other permissions lines in this file! This means: All local connections (i.e. psql without "-h hostname" option) have to authenticate themselves with a password. All connections from localhost ( have to supply a password, too. All other connections are rejected. This line doen't have to be there if you have a properly configured firewall but even if you do have one, it adds to the security in case an attacker penetrates the firewall by some hack. If you can't access PostgreSQL after this for any reason, try and change "password" in /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf to "trust". This should disable any authentication method and make the database accessible again. Please use this setting only temporarily because anybody who can access the PostgreSQL server could take over the database completely this way. After you fixed your password setting, switch the setting back to "password". You may want to change your PostgreSQL password from time to time to make database takeover harder. Rememer: Security is a process. ---------------------------------------------------------------- AT THIS POINT YOU SHOULD HAVE A WORKING INSTAATION OF MIR! CHECK TO MAKE SURE -- DON'T BOTHER WITH THE REST TILL YOIU'VE MADE MIR WORK ONCE! Goodies: (3) Add the dupe prevention trigger to the database: cd mir/dbscripts/dupetrigger There, read INSTALL and follow the instructions. (4) Tweak mime-type extensions mappings in etc/web.xml file. *** Note the defaults should be o.k for most installations *** Add or remove any mime types you wish to support. This is used to figure out the mime-type when (broken browsers?) browsers don't send the mime-type in the content-type header field when uploading a media file. Note add the moment you still have to add these to the media_type SQL table as well which maps the mime-types to the correct mediaHandler class. See the comments in the MirMedia class in javadoc for more details. 11. restart tomcat 13. configure apache edit http.conf: * set the document root to the same directory as in the mir config file * enable shtml includes: - add LoadModule includes_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_include.so - make sure your directory contains "Options Includes" * Determine if you need to modify any apache mime-mappings - The web-server host must recognize the .m3u, .pls and other file extensions and send the proper "audio/x-mpegurl" and "audio/x-scpls" mime-types respectively. If the web server is apache, it's easy, just add: audio/x-mpegurl m3u audio/x-scpl pls to the file pointed to by the "TypesConfig" command in your apache config file. Or add and equivalent AddType command to your httpd.conf. Of course this assumes that the mod_mime is loaded. that's it :) now the admin-application is accesable via: http://host/Mir/servlet/Mir and the openposting-servlet via http://host/Mir/servlet/OpenMir standard login is admin/indymedia. See the webdb_users SQL table to change/add users or passwords. SEARCHING The Mir code offers no internal search facilities, rather, the design expects the use of an external program to crawl and index the static site. One (recommended) tool for doing this is htdig (http://htdig.org), which generates static databases of the site content and then accesses those databases through a very fast CGI program written in C. In the scripts directory, a perl CGI script which wraps calls to htsearch is provided (scripts/search.pl) which will allow searching based off of media type. (This is possible because the standard templates will include META keywords like hasAudio, hasVideo, etc.) UPGRADING see the UPGRADING.mir file. TROUBLESHOOTING You can give these a try if anything goes wrong: + Restart Tomcat. Especially after compiling the sources Tomcat has to be restarted. + Check file permissions and ownership. Try and run perms.sh. ---------------------------------------------------------------- $Date: 2002/10/25 20:22:10 $ - the Mir coders