#!/bin/sh # ianb@erislabs.net 20081122 # checkpoint code taken from zak's mir-setup # $Id: mir-prepare.lenny,v 2010/12/16 18:31:08 ianb Exp $ set -e CONFDIR="/etc/mir-setup" PROG="`basename $0`" PACKAGES="openssh-server pwgen apache2 ant tomcat5.5 tomcat5.5-admin imagemagick postgresql libjmagick6-java libapache2-mod-jk procmail cvs rsync sudo wget" CUR_CHECKPOINT=0 checkpoint() { CUR_CHECKPOINT=$(($CUR_CHECKPOINT + 1)) if [ -n "$START_CHECKPOINT" ]; then if [ "$CUR_CHECKPOINT" -lt "$START_CHECKPOINT" ]; then echo "Skipping checkpoint $CUR_CHECKPOINT: $@" unset RUNNING else echo "Running from checkpoint $CUR_CHECKPOINT: $@" RUNNING=1 fi else echo "Checkpoint $CUR_CHECKPOINT: $@" RUNNING=1 fi } die() { echo >&2 "$@"; exit 1; } optdie() { echo >&2 "$@"; echo >&2 "Try $PROG --help"; exit 1; } usage() { echo >&2 "Usage: $PROG options" echo >&2 " Prepares system for a mir install" echo >&2 " Run before mir-setup" echo >&2 " -d|--debug Debugging output, including 'set -x' shell trace" echo >&2 " -p|--checkpoint Run from specified checkpoint after failed run" echo >&2 " -j|--java sun|gcj Select Java implementation. Default: sun" } # default JAVA=sun while [ $# != 0 ]; do case "$1" in -d|--debug) set -x; DEBUG=1 ;; -p|--checkpoint) shift; START_CHECKPOINT="$1" ;; -j|--java) shift; JAVA="$1" ;; -h|-?|--help) usage; exit 0 ;; -*) optdie "$PROG: unknown option $1" ;; *) optdie "$PROG: unexpected argument '$1'" ;; esac shift done checkpoint "Installing mir-setup" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then mkdir -p /etc/mir-setup /usr/local/share/mir-setup cp mir-setup.lenny /usr/local/sbin/mir-setup cp mir-choose-java.lenny /usr/local/sbin/mir-choose-java cp munge_config_file.pl /usr/local/share/mir-setup CONFFILES="config config-examplesite config.properties-default env robots.txt site-httpd.conf site-ssl-dedicated-httpd.conf site-ssl-httpd-fragment.conf tomcat-manager.conf" (cd conf && cp $CONFFILES /etc/mir-setup) fi checkpoint "Installing packages" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then apt-get install $PACKAGES echo "You probably want to do 'apt-get clean'" fi checkpoint "Selecting $JAVA java with mir-choose-java" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then mir-choose-java --subprocess $JAVA fi checkpoint "Enabling apache modules" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then a2enmod headers ssl include deflate jk rewrite fi checkpoint "Anonymise apache error log" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/conf.d/mir-anon-error-log ] then echo 'ErrorLog "| /usr/local/bin/strip-ips-from-apache-error-log /var/log/apache2/error.log"' > /etc/apache2/conf.d/mir-anon-error-log fi cp strip-ips-from-apache-error-log /usr/local/bin fi checkpoint "Configure 'anon' log format" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/conf.d/mir-anon-access-log ] then echo 'LogFormat "noip %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" anon' > /etc/apache2/conf.d/mir-anon-access-log fi fi checkpoint "Creating directory for mir sites in apache" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if [ ! -d /etc/apache2/mir-sites ] then mkdir /etc/apache2/mir-sites fi fi checkpoint "Enabling mir sites in apache" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/mir-sites ] then echo "Include /etc/apache2/mir-sites/*.conf" > /etc/apache2/sites-available/mir-sites a2ensite mir-sites fi fi checkpoint "Configuring apache jakarta workers" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/conf.d/mir-jk ] then echo "JkWorkersFile /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/workers.properties" > /etc/apache2/conf.d/mir-jk fi fi checkpoint "Disabling tomcat security (yes, this is bad)" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if ! grep -q "^TOMCAT5_SECURITY=no" /etc/default/tomcat5.5 then echo "TOMCAT5_SECURITY=no" >> /etc/default/tomcat5.5 fi fi checkpoint "Configuring password for tomcat manager" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if ! grep -q 'user username="mir-setup"' /etc/tomcat5.5/tomcat-users.xml then PASSWORD=$(pwgen -n 10 1) ROLE=' ' USERNAME=' ' perl -pi.bak -e 's/(mir-setup:)[^@]+/$1'"$PASSWORD"'/;' /etc/mir-setup/tomcat-manager.conf perl -pi.bak -e 's/()/$1\n'"$ROLE"'\n'"$USERNAME"'\n/;' /etc/tomcat5.5/tomcat-users.xml fi fi checkpoint "Creating directory for SSL certs" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then if [ ! -d /etc/apache2/ssl ] then mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl fi fi checkpoint "Restarting apache and tomcat" if [ -n "$RUNNING" ] then invoke-rc.d tomcat5.5 force-reload invoke-rc.d apache2 force-reload fi checkpoint "All done!"