[nyc.indymedia.org.git] / etc / producer / startpage.template
1 <comment>\r
2   Template file for the front page.  \r
3   - all paths relative to /\r
4   - no complicated freemarker code\r
5 </comment><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \r
6    "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" \r
7    "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">\r
8 <html>\r
9 <head>\r
10    <title>${config["Mir.Name"]}</title>\r
11    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=${config["Mir.DefaultHTMLCharset"]}"> \r
12    <meta name="keywords" content="">\r
13    <meta name="description" content="">\r
14    <!-- <meta http-equiv="expires" content="599"> -->\r
15    <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">\r
16    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://sarai.indymedia.org/~patrick/mir.nyc/css/main.css" />\r
17 \r
18 </head>\r
19 \r
20 <body>\r
21 \r
22 <include "navigation.template">\r
23 \r
24          <table class="featuredArticleTable" cellspacing="0">\r
25             <tr>\r
26                <td class="content"><!--\r
27                begin featured articles\r
28                -->\r
29 \r
30                   <comment>\r
31                      begin breaking news\r
32                   </comment>\r
33                   <if breakingnews && breakingnews[0].text!=".">\r
34                      <p class="breakingNews">\r
35                         <b class="title">${lang("startpage.breakingnews")}</b>\r
36                         <assign stop="0">\r
37                         <list breakingnews as bn>\r
38                           <if bn.text=="."><assign stop="1"></if>\r
39                           <if stop=="0">\r
40                               ${bn.creationdate.formatted["dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"]}:\r
41                               ${bn.text}\r
42                           </if>\r
43                         </list>\r
44                      </p>\r
45                   </if>\r
46                   <comment>\r
47                      end breaking news\r
48                      begin features\r
49                   </comment>\r
50                   <comment>\r
51                      begin features\r
52                   </comment>\r
53                   <div class="featuredArticles">\r
54                      <list features as f>\r
55                         <assign forig=f.to_original>\r
56                            <if languagepreference>\r
57                               <assign i=f.to_translation(languagepreference)>\r
58                            <else>\r
59                               <assign i=f>\r
60                            </if>\r
61                            <p class="title">\r
62                               <b><a\r
63                               href="${config["Producer.DocRoot"]}/${language.code}/${i.date.formatted["yyyy'/'MM"]}/${i.id}.shtml" \r
64                               >${i.title}</a></b>\r
65                            </p>\r
66                            <p class="summary">\r
67                               <small class="author">${forig.creator}&#160;|</small>\r
68                               ${i.description_parsed}\r
69                               <small><span class="comments">${i.commentcount}&#160;Comment(s)</span>\r
70                               <a \r
71                               href="${config["Producer.DocRoot"]}/${language.code}/${i.date.formatted["yyyy'/'MM"]}/${i.id}.shtml" \r
72                               class="readMore">more...<!-- ${lang("general.readmore")} --></a></small>\r
73                            </p>\r
74                      </list>\r
75                   </div>\r
76                   <comment>\r
77                      end features\r
78                   </comment>\r
79 \r
80                <!--\r
81                end featured articles\r
82                --></td>\r
83                <td class="margin"><div><!-- --></div></td>\r
84                <td class="image"><!--\r
85                begin featured image \r
86                --><div class="wrap">\r
87 \r
88                   <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/fpimage.rand" -->\r
89 \r
90                   </div><!--\r
91                end featured image \r
92                --></td>\r
93             </tr>\r
94          </table>\r
95 \r
96          <table class="mostDiscussed" cellspacing="0">\r
97             <tr>\r
98                <td>\r
99                   <div class="mostDiscussedWrap">\r
100                      <list mostcomments as mc>\r
101                      <div class="storyWrap">      \r
102                         <p class="story">\r
103                            <a href="#"><img src="http://sarai.indymedia.org/~patrick/mir.nyc/img/zapatista.02.gif" class="icon" border="0" /></a>\r
104                            <span class="comments">${mc.commentcount}&#160;Comments</span>\r
105                            <a href="${config["Producer.DocRoot"]}/${language.code}/${mc.date.formatted["yyyy'/'MM"]}/${mc.id}.shtml">${mc.title}</a>\r
106                         </p>\r
107                      </div>\r
108                      </list>\r
109                \r
110                   </div>\r
111                   <div style="spacer" style="clear: both"><!-- --></div>\r
112                </td>\r
113             </tr>\r
114          </table>\r
115          \r
116          <table class="featuredPhotoStory" cellspacing="0">\r
117             <tr>\r
118                <td>\r
119                   <div class="wrap">\r
120                      <list startspecial as ss>\r
121                         <assign sorig=ss.to_original>\r
122                            <if languagepreference>\r
123                               <assign s=ss.to_translation(languagepreference)>\r
124                            <else>\r
125                               <assign s=ss>\r
126                            </if>\r
127   \r
128                           <if s.to_media_images >\r
129                                 <table class="imageWrap" cellspacing="0">\r
130                                  <tr>\r
131                                   <td class="image" style="background: url(/images/${s.to_media_images[0]["publish_path"]}) no-repeat top center;"><br /></td>\r
132                                  </tr>\r
133                                  <tr>\r
134                                   <td><small>${s.to_media_images[0]["title"]}</small></td>\r
135                                  </tr>\r
136                                 </table>\r
137                           </if>\r
138    \r
139                            <p class="title">\r
140                               <b><a href="${config["Producer.DocRoot"]}/${language.code}/${s.date.formatted["yyyy'/'MM"]}/${s.id}.shtml">${s.title}</a></b>\r
141                            </p>\r
142                            <p class="summary">\r
143                               <small class="author">${s.creator}&#160;|</small> \r
144                               ${s.description_parsed}\r
145                               <small><a href="${config["Producer.DocRoot"]}/${language.code}/${s.date.formatted["yyyy'/'MM"]}/${s.id}.shtml" class="readMore">more...</a></small>\r
146                            </p> \r
147                      </list>\r
148 \r
149                   </div>\r
150                   <div style="spacer" style="clear: both"><!-- --></div>\r
151                </td>\r
152             </tr>\r
153          </table>\r
154                \r
155          <table class="featuredCategories" cellspacing="0">\r
156             <tr>\r
157                <td>\r
158                   <div class="listWrap">\r
159                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random1.inc" -->\r
160                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random2.inc" -->\r
161                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random3.inc" -->\r
162                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random4.inc" -->\r
163                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random5.inc" -->\r
164                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random6.inc" -->\r
165                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random7.inc" -->\r
166                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random8.inc" -->\r
167                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random9.inc" -->\r
168                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random10.inc" -->\r
169                \r
170                 </div>\r
171                </td>\r
172                <td class="margin"><div><!-- --></div></td>\r
173                <td>\r
174                   <div class="listWrap">\r
175                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random11.inc" -->\r
176                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random12.inc" -->\r
177                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random13.inc" -->\r
178                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random14.inc" -->\r
179                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random15.inc" -->\r
180                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random16.inc" -->\r
181                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random17.inc" -->\r
182                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random18.inc" -->\r
183                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random19.inc" -->\r
184                      <!--#include virtual="/fpincludes/random20.inc" -->\r
185 \r
186 \r
187                   </div>\r
188                </td>\r
189             </tr>\r
190          </table>\r
191          \r
192       <!-- \r
193       end center column\r
194       --></td>\r
195       <td class="margin"><div><!-- --></div></td>\r
196       <td class="rightColumn"><!-- \r
197       begin right column\r
198       --><div class="wrap">\r
199 \r
200       <div class="listWrap">\r
201 \r
202          <div class="newswireWrap">\r
203             <b><a href="#">Newswire</a></b><br />\r
204             <a href="/${language.code}/">Local</a>&#160;|\r
205             <a href="#">Global</a>&#160;|\r
206             <a href="?category">Category</a>\r
207          </div>\r
208             <!-- #if expr="\"$DOCUMENT_URI\" = /?category/" \r
209             --><!-- #include virtual="/${language.code}/languagebar.shtml"\r
210             --><!-- #else\r
211             --><!-- #include virtual="/${language.code}/newswireinclude.shtml"\r
212             --><!-- #endif\r
213             -->\r
214          <!-- <iframe name="shazbot" id="shazbot" src="/${language.code}/newswireinclude.shtml" frameborder="0" style="overflow: hidden;"></iframe> -->\r
215 \r
216                 <!--#if expr="\"$QUERY_STRING\" = /category/" -->\r
217                 <!--#include virtual="/${language.code}/rssnewswireinclude.shtml" -->\r
218                 <!--#else -->\r
219                 <b><!--#echo var="QUERY_STRING" --></b>\r
220                 <!--#include virtual="/${language.code}/newswireinclude.shtml" -->              \r
221                 <!--#endif -->\r
222 \r
223 \r
224 \r
225       </div><!-- \r
226       end right column\r
227       --></td>\r
228       <td class="margin"><div><!-- --></div></td>\r
229    </tr>\r
230 </table>\r
231 \r
232 <table class="footer" cellspacing="0">\r
233    <tr>\r
234       <td>\r
235          <small>\r
236             <p class="copyleft">\r
237                (c) Independent Media Center. All content is free for reprint and rebroadcast, on the net and elsewhere,\r
238                for non-commercial use, unless otherwise noted by author. <a href="#">more...</a>\r
239             </p>\r
240             <p class="contact">\r
241                <!-- copy<a href="#">Left</a>&#160;| -->\r
242                imc-nyc at lists.indymedia.org&#160;|\r
243                (212) 684-8112<br />\r
244                34 E. 29th ST, 2nd FL, NY, NY 10016\r
245             </p>\r
246          </small>\r
247       </td>\r
248    </tr>\r
249 </table>\r
250 \r
251 </body>\r
252 </html>\r