Commit mostly-finished clscan, a tool to scan file copyrights and licenses
authorIan Beckwith <>
Wed, 9 Sep 2009 17:46:03 +0000 (18:46 +0100)
committerIan Beckwith <>
Wed, 9 Sep 2009 17:46:03 +0000 (18:46 +0100)
debian/clscan/clscan [new file with mode: 0755]
debian/clscan/ [new file with mode: 0644]
debian/clscan/files.yaml [new file with mode: 0644]
debian/ [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/debian/clscan/clscan b/debian/clscan/clscan
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..fd7413b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Ian Beckwith <>
+use strict;
+use vars qw($me);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use YAML::Any;
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
+use File::Find;
+use File::Copy;
+our $CLSCANDIR="debian/clscan";
+our $FILESCACHE="$CLSCANDIR/files.yaml";
+our $NEWFILES="$CLSCANDIR/new.txt";
+our @filenames=();
+our $files={};
+our $new={};
+my $scan=0;
+my $merge=0;
+my $writecopyright=0;
+usage() unless(@ARGV);
+usage() unless GetOptions("scan|s" => \$scan,
+                         "merge|m" => \$merge,
+                         "write|w" => \$writecopyright,
+                         "help|h" => sub { usage(); });
+scan() if($scan);
+merge() if($merge);
+write_copyright() if ($merge || $writecopyright);
+sub scan
+    get_filenames();
+    for my $file (@filenames)
+    {
+       scan_file($file);
+    }
+    write_new();
+    find_deleted();
+sub merge
+    merge_new();
+    save_cache();
+sub write_copyright
+    unless(keys(%$files))
+    {
+       die("$me: no files known, run $0 --scan\n");
+    }
+    unless(copy($COPYRIGHTSTUB, "debian/"))
+    {
+       die("$me: cannot copy $COPYRIGHTSTUB to debian/copyright: $!\n");
+    }
+    unless(open(COPYRIGHT, ">>debian/"))
+    {
+       die("$me: cannot append to debian/copyright: $!\n");
+    }
+    # group files by license/license_text/copyright
+    my $licenses={};
+    for my $file (sort keys(%$files))
+    {
+       my $license=$files->{$file}->{license};
+       my $copyright=$files->{$file}->{copyright};
+       my $license_text=$files->{$file}->{license_text};
+       push(@{$licenses->{$license}->{$license_text}->{$copyright}}, $file);
+    }
+    for my $license (sort keys(%$licenses))
+    {
+       for my $license_text (sort keys(%{$licenses->{$license}}))
+       {
+           for my $copyright (sort keys(%{$licenses->{$license}->{$license_text}}))
+           {
+               next if(!length($license) && !length($copyright) && !length($license_text));
+               my @filelist=sort @{$licenses->{$license}->{$license_text}->{$copyright}};
+               print COPYRIGHT "Files: ", join(', ', @filelist), "\n";
+               print COPYRIGHT "Copyright: $copyright\n" if length($copyright);
+               print COPYRIGHT "License: $license\n" if length($license);
+               if(length($license_text))
+               {
+                   my @text=split(/\n/, $license_text);
+                   print COPYRIGHT map { "    " . $_ . "\n" } @text;
+               }
+               print COPYRIGHT "\n";
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    print COPYRIGHT license_trailer(sort keys(%$licenses));
+    close(COPYRIGHT);
+sub license_trailer
+    my @licenses_used=@_;
+    my $license_data = {
+       "Apache-2.0" => "Apache License Version 2.0",
+       "Artistic" => "Artistic License",
+       "GFDL-1.2" => "GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.2",
+       "GFDL-1.3" => "GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.3",
+       "GFDL" => "GNU Free Documentation License",
+       "GPL-2" => "GNU General Public License Version 2",
+       "GPL-3" => "GNU General Public License Version 3",
+       "GPL" => "GNU General Public License",
+       "LGPL-2" => "GNU Library General Public License Version 2",
+       "LGPL-2.1" => "GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1",
+       "LGPL-3" => "GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3",
+       "LGPL" => "GNU Lesser General Public License",
+    };
+    my %types_found=();
+TYPE: for my $type (keys(%$license_data))
+    {
+       for my $license (@licenses_used)
+       {
+           if($license =~ /$type(\+|\b)/i)
+           {
+               $types_found{$type}=1;
+               # avoid matching eg GPL-2 *and* GPL
+               next TYPE;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    my $text="\n";
+    for my $type (sort keys(%types_found))
+    {
+       $text .= "The complete text of the " . $license_data->{$type} ." can be\n";
+       $text .= "found in /usr/share/common-licenses/$type\n";
+    }
+    return $text;
+sub merge_new
+    unless(open(NEW, $NEWFILES))
+    {
+       die("$me: $NEWFILES: cannot open: $!\n");
+    }
+    my $license='';
+    my $copyright='';
+    my $hash='';
+    my $file='';
+    my $license_text='';
+    my $in_license_text=0;
+    my $line=0;
+    while(<NEW>)
+    {
+       $line++;
+       chomp;
+       next if(/^\s*$/);
+       next if(/^\s*\#/);
+       if($in_license_text && /^\s+(.*)/)
+       {
+           $license_text .= "\n" . $1;
+       }
+       elsif(/^File:\s*(.*)/)
+       {
+           my $newfile=$1;
+           # save previous entry
+           if(length($file) && length($hash))
+           {
+               $files->{$file}={ hash=>$hash,
+                                 copyright=>$copyright,
+                                 license=>$license,
+                                 license_text=>$license_text };
+           }
+           $file=$newfile;
+           $license='';
+           $copyright='';
+           $hash='';
+           $license_text='';
+       }
+       elsif(/^Hash:\s*(.*)/)
+       {
+           $hash=$1;
+       }
+       elsif(/^Copyright:\s*(.*)/)
+       {
+           $copyright=$1;
+       }
+       elsif(/^License:\s*(.*)/)
+       {
+           $license=$1;
+       }
+       elsif(/^License_text:\s*(.*)/)
+       {
+           $in_license_text=1;
+           $license_text=$1;
+       }
+       elsif($in_license_text && /^\s+(.*)/)
+       {
+           $license_text .= "\n" . $1;
+       }
+       else
+       {
+           warn("$me: $file: line $line not recognized\n");
+       }
+    }
+    close(NEW);
+    # save last entry
+    if(length($file) && length($hash))
+    {
+       $files->{$file}={ hash=>$hash,
+                         copyright=>$copyright,
+                         license=>$license,
+                         license_text=>$license_text };
+    }
+sub guess_license
+    my $file=shift;
+    my $license='';
+    my $copyright='';
+    if(open(LICENSECHECK, "licensecheck --copyright \"$file\"|"))
+    {
+       while(<LICENSECHECK>)
+       {
+           chomp;
+           if(/^\s+\[(.*)\]$/)
+           {
+               $copyright=$1;
+           }
+           elsif(/.*:\s+(.*)/)
+           {
+               $license=$1;
+           }
+       }
+       close(LICENSECHECK);
+       $copyright =~ s/^\s*Copyright\s*:\s*//;
+       $license =~ s/.*UNKNOWN.*//;
+       $license =~ s/(L?GPL) \(v([\.\d]+) or later\)/$1-$2+/i;
+       $license =~ s/(L?GPL) \(v([\.\d]+)\)/$1-$2/i;
+       $license =~ s/G?FDL \(v([\.\d]+) or later\)/GFDL-$1+/i;
+       $license =~ s/G?FDL \(v([\.\d]+)\)/GFDL-$1/i;
+       $license =~ s/Apache \(v([\.\d]+) or later\)/Apache-$1+/i;
+       $license =~ s/Apache \(v([\.\d]+)\)/Apache-$1+/i;
+    }
+    return($license, $copyright);
+sub scan_file
+    my $filename=shift;
+    unless(open(FILE, $filename))
+    {
+       warn("$me: $filename: cannot open: $!\n");
+       return;
+    }
+    my $header='';
+    for(my $i=0; $i < 15; $i++)
+    {
+       my $line=<FILE>;
+       last unless($line);
+       $header .= $line;
+    }
+    close(FILE);
+    my $hash=sha256_hex($header);
+    if( (!exists($files->{$filename})) ||
+       ($files->{$filename}->{hash} ne $hash))
+    {
+       filechanged($filename, $hash, $header);
+    }
+sub filechanged
+    my($filename, $hash, $header)=@_;
+    my($license_guess, $copyright_guess)=guess_license($filename);
+    $new->{$filename}={
+       hash=>$hash,
+       license=>$license_guess,
+       copyright=>$copyright_guess,
+       header=>$header,
+    };
+    if(exists($files->{$filename}))
+    {
+       if(exists($files->{$filename}->{copyright}))
+       {
+           $new->{$filename}->{copyright_old}=$files->{$filename}->{copyright};
+       }
+       if(exists($files->{$filename}->{license}))
+       {
+           $new->{$filename}->{license_old}=$files->{$filename}->{license};
+       }
+       if(exists($files->{$filename}->{license_text}))
+       {
+           $new->{$filename}->{license_text_old}=$files->{$filename}->{license_text};
+       }
+    }
+sub wanted
+    if(/^\.git/ || /^\.cvs/ || /^debian/)
+    {
+       $File::Find::prune=1;
+    }
+    elsif(-f)
+    {
+       push(@filenames, $File::Find::name);
+    }
+sub get_filenames
+    find(\&wanted, ".");
+#    find(\&wanted, "lib/uniname");
+#    find(\&wanted, "lib/uniconv");
+sub load_cache
+    unless(open(YAML,$FILESCACHE))
+    {
+       warn("$me: cannot load cache $FILESCACHE: $!\n");
+       return;
+    }
+    my $yaml;
+    {
+       local $/=undef;
+       $yaml=<YAML>;
+    }
+    close(YAML);
+    $files=Load($yaml);
+sub save_cache
+    backup($FILESCACHE);
+    unless(open(YAML,">$FILESCACHE"))
+    {
+       warn("$me: cannot save cache $FILESCACHE: $!\n");
+       return;
+    }
+    print YAML Dump($files);
+    close(YAML);
+sub write_new
+    backup($NEWFILES);
+    unless(keys(%$new))
+    {
+       warn("$me: no new/changed files found\n");
+       return;
+    }
+    unless(open(NEW,">$NEWFILES"))
+    {
+       die("$me: cannot write to $NEWFILES: $!\n");
+    }
+    for my $file (sort keys %$new)
+    {
+       print NEW "File: $file\n";
+       print NEW "Hash: ", $new->{$file}->{hash}, "\n";
+       print NEW "License: ", $new->{$file}->{license}, "\n";
+       print NEW "Copyright: ", $new->{$file}->{copyright}, "\n";
+       print NEW "Licence-Text: \n";
+       if($new->{$file}->{license_old})
+       {
+           print NEW "#License_old: ", $new->{$file}->{license_old}, "\n";
+       }
+       if($new->{$file}->{copyright_old})
+       {
+           print NEW "#Copyright_old: ", $new->{$file}->{copyright_old}, "\n";
+       }
+       if($new->{$file}->{licence_text_old})
+       {
+           print NEW "#License_text_old: ", $new->{$file}->{licence_text_old}, "\n";
+       }
+       print NEW "#Header: \n";
+       my @headerlines=split(/\n/, $new->{$file}->{header});
+       @headerlines=map { "#" . $_ } grep { defined $_; } @headerlines;
+       print NEW join("\n", @headerlines);
+       print NEW "\n\n";
+    }
+    close NEW;
+sub find_deleted
+    my @deleted=();
+    my %newnames = map { $_ => 1 } @filenames;
+    for my $file (sort keys(%$files))
+    {
+       unless(exists($newnames{$file}))
+       {
+           push(@deleted, $file);
+       }
+    }
+    if(@deleted)
+    {
+       print "Removed files:\n";
+       print join("\n", @deleted),"\n";
+    }
+sub backup
+    my $base=shift;
+    my $old="$base.old";
+    if(-f $base)
+    {
+       unlink($base);
+       move($base, $old);
+    }
+sub usage
+    die("usage: $me [--scan] [--merge]\n",
+       "  --scan      Scan for new files & files with changed copyright headers\n",
+       "              Writes to debian/clscan/new.txt for manual review.\n",
+       "  --merge     Merges new data from debian/clscan/new.txt\n",
+       "              Writes updated debian/copyright.\n");
diff --git a/debian/clscan/ b/debian/clscan/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f2920f0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+This package was debianized by Daniel Baumann <> on
+Thu,  1 Jun 2006 00:00:00 +0200.
+It was downloaded from <>.
+> The files in here are mostly copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, and
+> are under assorted licenses.  Mostly, but not entirely, GPL.
+> Many modules are provided dual-license, either GPL or LGPL at your
+> option.  The headers of files in the lib directory (e.g., lib/error.c)
+> state GPL for convenience, since the bulk of current gnulib users are
+> GPL'd programs.  But the files in the modules directory (e.g.,
+> modules/error) state the true license of each file, and when you use
+> 'gnulib-tool --lgpl --import <modules>', gnulib-tool either rewrites
+> the files to have an LGPL header as part of copying them from gnulib
+> to your project directory, or fails because the modules you requested
+> were not licensed under LGPL.
+> Some of the source files in lib/ have different licenses.  Also, the
+> copy of maintain.texi in doc/ has a verbatim-copying license, and
+> doc/standards.texi and make-stds.texi are GFDL.
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL file,
+the GNU Lesser General Public License in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL,
+and the GNU Free Document License in /usr/share/common-licenses/GFDL.
+The Debian packaging is Copyright 2006-2008, Daniel Baumann <>
+and Copyright 2009 Ian Beckwith <>, and is licensed
+under the GPL-2, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
+Detailed copyright information follows, see debian/clscan/README
+in the gnulib source package for information on updating this.
diff --git a/debian/clscan/files.yaml b/debian/clscan/files.yaml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3531010
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33981 @@
+  copyright: Free Software Foundation, and
+  hash: 60c25a32bddb8e12cdd819cc29ec9a6d941431c6a013a71e2878536fa16d4dd7
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: ''
+  hash: 0fc0c9c0235be8c8ba21d40facf534e03437b77886effa77a634fc9a1929b3e8
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: ''
+  hash: 3c8640aeff44fe6c30a27836e926fcaa6f6a5f4d35d8c540f71f7c568cf60d4f
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2002-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: 30633aa046887d3d7c2edee238d5e009b260d8eaec001809cdcdcef205089d59
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: 7ad5a3ccd8892f7a29384dd4ed455a2c57cdadf2624c943f51127745751ffbe7
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: ''
+  hash: 141ae5843fb9df760bf1e31402eb714cf1261d9c6db16e4db30aeba3acf9e663
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: ''
+  hash: 3da1ae1f2de3a84a70abca2325e281203ffe123afbc003420697463b56efd35c
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2002-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: 9ebe62448e2c3a71f08521ec64d65dd561761e446347edc914f396fe810040ba
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2003-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: f97568fc9b26977bf8aa781f26a1f5df7c9e5dc7c8d9a4e54e2c8d7892765096
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: 95cc00b43d60d3bff61561355253d777ac82e105338bf23faf29168086d392c2
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software
+  hash: 1a1d949ff906c036a902a8021154e8f127f6bdeaa7b22843a9bd13badc24253a
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 / 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
+  hash: 1fc09da52d50a533ff9166226320f69603e3c5189271118a66d0cc514e6a3d71
+  license: GPL-2+ GENERATED FILE
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 1996-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: ac72222f705d2427683a67b643cf25045db2915ab66319cf535c68b847472ad3
+  license: GPL-3+ GENERATED FILE
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 1996-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: c52259321cfea86c34876e34db5356168f319d7f0dda0fd76efa9dce5e6fea4d
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
+  hash: 6e2b7e1143d443ea670be8edea2db4d9a6ac57e6f22aa4a88443959ab8ad42c7
+  license: GPL-2+ GENERATED FILE
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2003-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: 13d53b69f8e2663d2abeb4053b3cd45b2b3f99563e826a5fd67abcf4ac201e22
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: 08e6e1564fcf7509ae893ac7b3121aa831344458a4ff420c1994918d9792b151
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free
+  hash: ab3cbcc8d9b25ff49daba60a573055149a8330158ab61b0602538a1cdf27e9f8
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 1995, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software
+  hash: 650765cd58e0b384cc47b3c257ea4955be8b26117eb05106cd7a39ef002314ed
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc / 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+  hash: 203ece29ab9caad64ebd3b3a75725444676b43bd66f2f22b8fc836c5bab0ec78
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
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+  license: "GPL-3+ "
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+  copyright: 2001, 2003, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: 1db2e4a3959febe32d5c70280a5b28547600d854b8d1b61ec85d3a9b670a2b23
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: 2001-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+  hash: eef091164cb5f26dc538fb6b3940b82d779d05390f32dffea43d1161be06adc1
+  license: "GPL-3+ "
+  license_text: ''
+  copyright: ''
+  hash: f5c05b7f2c33b93dcda0aa8f108195721e70410ef027614d4e342b00ccd15536
+  license: ''
+  license_text: ''
diff --git a/debian/ b/debian/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..628659f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3286 @@
+This package was debianized by Daniel Baumann <> on
+Thu,  1 Jun 2006 00:00:00 +0200.
+It was downloaded from <>.
+> The files in here are mostly copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, and
+> are under assorted licenses.  Mostly, but not entirely, GPL.
+> Many modules are provided dual-license, either GPL or LGPL at your
+> option.  The headers of files in the lib directory (e.g., lib/error.c)
+> state GPL for convenience, since the bulk of current gnulib users are
+> GPL'd programs.  But the files in the modules directory (e.g.,
+> modules/error) state the true license of each file, and when you use
+> 'gnulib-tool --lgpl --import <modules>', gnulib-tool either rewrites
+> the files to have an LGPL header as part of copying them from gnulib
+> to your project directory, or fails because the modules you requested
+> were not licensed under LGPL.
+> Some of the source files in lib/ have different licenses.  Also, the
+> copy of maintain.texi in doc/ has a verbatim-copying license, and
+> doc/standards.texi and make-stds.texi are GFDL.
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
+can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL file,
+the GNU Lesser General Public License in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL,
+and the GNU Free Document License in /usr/share/common-licenses/GFDL.
+The Debian packaging is Copyright 2006-2008, Daniel Baumann <>
+and Copyright 2009 Ian Beckwith <>, and is licensed
+under the GPL-2, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
+Detailed copyright information follows, see debian/clscan/README
+in the gnulib source package for information on updating this.
+Files: ./m4/dos.m4
+Copyright: ( == '/' || == '\\') / 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc / ( == '/')
+Files: ./doc/COPYINGv2
+Copyright: 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. / the software, and
+Files: ./doc/make-stds.texi
+Copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001
+Files: ./m4/getloadavg.m4
+Copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003
+Files: ./lib/acosl.c, ./lib/asinl.c, ./lib/cosl.c, ./lib/sinl.c, ./lib/tanl.c
+Copyright: 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved
+Files: ./doc/getdate.texi
+Copyright: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
+Files: ./doc/INSTALL, ./doc/INSTALL.ISO, ./doc/INSTALL.UTF-8
+Copyright: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005
+Files: ./doc/regexprops-generic.texi
+Copyright: 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
+Files: ./build-aux/po/
+Copyright: 1995-1997, 2000-2007 by Ulrich Drepper <>
+Files: ./m4/lcmessage.m4
+Copyright: 1995-2002, 2004-2005, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/nls.m4
+Copyright: 1995-2003, 2005-2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/intl.m4
+Copyright: 1995-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/gettext.m4, ./m4/po.m4
+Copyright: 1995-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/regex.m4
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
+Files: ./m4/error.m4
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/strftime.m4
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
+Files: ./m4/jm-winsz2.m4
+Copyright: 1996, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/jm-winsz1.m4
+Copyright: 1996, 1999, 2001-2002, 2004, 2006, 2009
+Files: ./m4/uptime.m4
+Copyright: 1996, 1999-2001, 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getgroups.m4
+Copyright: 1996-1997, 1999-2004, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/progtest.m4
+Copyright: 1996-2003, 2005, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/lib-ld.m4
+Copyright: 1996-2003, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./build-aux/config.rpath
+Copyright: 1996-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/d-ino.m4
+Copyright: 1997, 1999-2001, 2003-2004, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/d-type.m4
+Copyright: 1997, 1999-2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fsusage.m4
+Copyright: 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2003-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/chown.m4
+Copyright: 1997-2001, 2003-2005, 2007, 2009
+Files: ./m4/lstat.m4
+Copyright: 1997-2001, 2003-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/inttypes-pri.m4
+Copyright: 1997-2002, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/inttypes_h.m4, ./m4/stdint_h.m4
+Copyright: 1997-2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/intmax_t.m4
+Copyright: 1997-2004, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/uintmax_t.m4
+Copyright: 1997-2004, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fstypename.m4
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/assert.m4
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/st_dm_mode.m4
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/utime.m4
+Copyright: 1998, 2000-2001, 2003-2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/lchown.m4
+Copyright: 1998, 2001, 2003-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/stat-time.m4
+Copyright: 1998-1999, 2001, 2003, 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/utimes-null.m4
+Copyright: 1998-1999, 2001, 2003-2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/utimbuf.m4
+Copyright: 1998-2001, 2003-2004, 2007, 2009 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/perl.m4
+Copyright: 1998-2001, 2003-2004, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getline.m4
+Copyright: 1998-2003, 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/ls-mntd-fs.m4
+Copyright: 1998-2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/unlocked-io.m4
+Copyright: 1998-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/group-member.m4
+Copyright: 1999-2001, 2003-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/nanosleep.m4
+Copyright: 1999-2001, 2003-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/afs.m4
+Copyright: 1999-2001, 2004, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/link-follow.m4
+Copyright: 1999-2001, 2004-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/ulonglong.m4
+Copyright: 1999-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/longlong.m4
+Copyright: 1999-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/timespec.m4
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/ftruncate.m4
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2003-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/unlink-busy.m4
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/rmdir-errno.m4
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/time_h.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2001, 2003-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fpending.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2001, 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mbswidth.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/glibc2.m4, ./m4/glibc21.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/codeset.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/iconv.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mbstate_t.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fnmatch.m4
+Copyright: 2000-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getcwd.m4, ./m4/mkstemp.m4
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/host-os.m4
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/rename.m4
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mkdir-slash.m4
+Copyright: 2001, 2003-2004, 2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/vararrays.m4
+Copyright: 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mbrtowc.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2004-2005, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/tmpdir.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/signalblocking.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/gettimeofday.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/ssize_t.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/javaexec.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/javacomp.m4, ./m4/mkdtemp.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/environ.m4, ./m4/setenv.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/lib-prefix.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2005, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/dirfd.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/lib-link.m4, ./m4/stdint.m4
+Copyright: 2001-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/isdir.m4
+Copyright: 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/backupfile.m4, ./m4/hard-locale.m4, ./m4/human.m4, ./m4/md2.m4, ./m4/mkdir-p.m4, ./m4/read-file.m4, ./m4/xalloc.m4, ./m4/xgetcwd.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/xstrtol.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/canon-host.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/md4.m4, ./m4/md5.m4, ./m4/sha1.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strtoimax.m4, ./m4/strtoumax.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/memmem.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strsep.m4, ./m4/strtok_r.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/c-stack.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/memchr.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/closeout.m4, ./m4/exclude.m4, ./m4/exitfail.m4, ./m4/getugroups.m4, ./m4/hash.m4, ./m4/idcache.m4, ./m4/long-options.m4, ./m4/memcoll.m4, ./m4/modechange.m4, ./m4/quote.m4, ./m4/readtokens.m4, ./m4/safe-read.m4, ./m4/same.m4, ./m4/savedir.m4, ./m4/xstrtod.m4, ./m4/yesno.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/memrchr.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/pathmax.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getusershell.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strtol.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/gettime.m4, ./m4/settime.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strtoll.m4, ./m4/strtoull.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/localcharset.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getpagesize.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2004-2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/acl.m4, ./m4/quotearg.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/file-type.m4, ./m4/filemode.m4, ./m4/safe-write.m4, ./m4/unistd-safer.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fileblocks.m4, ./m4/sig2str.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/dup2.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/bison.m4, ./m4/rmdir.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/stdio-safer.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strcase.m4, ./m4/strverscmp.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strtoul.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/stpcpy.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/intdiv0.m4, ./m4/strerror.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/gethostname.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/atexit.m4, ./m4/memcpy.m4, ./m4/memmove.m4, ./m4/memset.m4, ./m4/tm_gmtoff.m4
+Copyright: 2002, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/unicodeio.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/physmem.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getpass.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mktime.m4, ./m4/posixtm.m4, ./m4/stpncpy.m4, ./m4/strnlen.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strndup.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/vasprintf.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strtod.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strpbrk.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/rpmatch.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getdomainname.m4, ./m4/libsigsegv.m4, ./m4/wchar_t.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strcspn.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/alloca.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2004, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/vasnprintf.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/snprintf.m4, ./m4/vsnprintf.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2004, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/memcmp.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2004, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/intmax.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2005, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/dirname.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getdate.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getopt.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/clock_time.m4, ./m4/filenamecat.m4, ./m4/mountlist.m4, ./m4/posixver.m4, ./m4/save-cwd.m4, ./m4/stdbool.m4, ./m4/userspec.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./modules/README
+Copyright: 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/euidaccess.m4, ./m4/putenv.m4, ./m4/readutmp.m4, ./m4/strdup.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getnline.m4, ./m4/xstrndup.m4
+Copyright: 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/canonicalize.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/utimens.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software
+Files: ./m4/free.m4, ./m4/utimes.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/solaris-versions
+Copyright: 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/poll.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/sysexits.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/size_max.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/relocatable-lib.m4, ./m4/relocatable.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/locale-fr.m4, ./m4/locale-ja.m4, ./m4/locale-tr.m4, ./m4/locale-zh.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/time_r.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getndelim2.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/canonicalize-lgpl.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/extensions.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/rawmemchr.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mathl.m4, ./m4/printf-posix.m4, ./m4/readlink.m4, ./m4/strchrnul.m4, ./m4/timegm.m4, ./m4/tzset.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/printf.m4, ./m4/wint_t.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/execute.m4, ./m4/wait-process.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/copy-file.m4, ./m4/eaccess.m4, ./m4/eealloc.m4, ./m4/findprog.m4, ./m4/sig_atomic_t.m4
+Copyright: 2003, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fatal-signal.m4
+Copyright: 2003-2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/malloca.m4
+Copyright: 2003-2004, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mempcpy.m4
+Copyright: 2003-2004, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/xsize.m4
+Copyright: 2003-2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/csharpcomp.m4
+Copyright: 2003-2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/csharpexec.m4
+Copyright: 2003-2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/argp.m4, ./m4/getcwd-path-max.m4
+Copyright: 2003-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/savewd.m4
+Copyright: 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/cloexec.m4, ./m4/inttostr.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/chdir-long.m4, ./m4/utimecmp.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/c-strtod.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/base64.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/autobuild.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/errno_h.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/sockpfaf.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/Makefile
+Copyright: 2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/alloca-opt.texi, ./doc/alloca.texi, ./m4/getsubopt.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/pipe.m4
+Copyright: 2004, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/gnulib-tool.m4
+Copyright: 2004-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/csharp.m4
+Copyright: 2004-2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/argz.m4, ./m4/calloc.m4, ./m4/getaddrinfo.m4, ./m4/intlmacosx.m4, ./m4/openat.m4
+Copyright: 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/ctime.texi, ./doc/inet_ntoa.texi, ./doc/quote.texi
+Copyright: 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/arcfour.m4, ./m4/arctwo.m4, ./m4/argmatch.m4, ./m4/check-version.m4, ./m4/crc.m4, ./m4/des.m4, ./m4/fprintftime.m4, ./m4/gc-pbkdf2-sha1.m4, ./m4/hmac-md5.m4, ./m4/hmac-sha1.m4, ./m4/memcasecmp.m4, ./m4/rijndael.m4, ./m4/stat-macros.m4, ./m4/stdlib-safer.m4, ./m4/xnanosleep.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/cycle-check.m4, ./m4/getlogin_r.m4, ./m4/pagealign_alloc.m4, ./m4/socklen.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/getdelim.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software dnl Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/unlinkdir.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/lchmod.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/gethrxtime.m4, ./m4/inet_ntop.m4, ./m4/sha512.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/chdir-safer.m4, ./m4/gc.m4, ./m4/readline.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/gc-arcfour.m4, ./m4/gc-arctwo.m4, ./m4/gc-des.m4, ./m4/gc-hmac-md5.m4, ./m4/gc-hmac-sha1.m4, ./m4/gc-md2.m4, ./m4/gc-md4.m4, ./m4/gc-md5.m4, ./m4/gc-rijndael.m4, ./m4/gc-sha1.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/strcasestr.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/byteswap.m4, ./m4/mmap-anon.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/mbfile.m4, ./m4/mbiter.m4, ./m4/tls.m4, ./m4/visibility.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/sha256.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/minmax.m4, ./m4/nocrash.m4
+Copyright: 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/lib-symbol-visibility.texi, ./m4/bison-i18n.m4
+Copyright: 2005-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/glob.m4, ./m4/mbchar.m4
+Copyright: 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fcntl-safer.m4
+Copyright: 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fts.m4
+Copyright: 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/gnulib-tool.texi, ./m4/gc-random.m4, ./m4/lock.m4, ./m4/sys_socket_h.m4, ./m4/threadlib.m4, ./m4/yield.m4
+Copyright: 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/gcd.texi, ./doc/verify.texi, ./m4/config-h.m4, ./m4/gl_list.m4, ./m4/i-ring.m4, ./m4/imaxabs.m4, ./m4/imaxdiv.m4, ./m4/ldd.m4, ./m4/lib-ignore.m4, ./m4/memxor.m4, ./m4/mkancesdirs.m4, ./m4/no-c++.m4, ./m4/xvasprintf.m4, ./modules/COPYING
+Copyright: 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/selinux-context-h.m4
+Copyright: 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/fcntl_h.m4, ./m4/selinux-selinux-h.m4
+Copyright: 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/arpa_inet_h.m4
+Copyright: 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/double-slash-root.m4, ./m4/inet_pton.m4
+Copyright: 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/stdarg.m4
+Copyright: 2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./Makefile, ./m4/flexmember.m4, ./m4/getcwd-abort-bug.m4, ./m4/inline.m4, ./m4/intldir.m4, ./m4/isapipe.m4, ./m4/rename-dest-slash.m4
+Copyright: 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/close-stream.m4, ./m4/tempname.m4
+Copyright: 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/netinet_in_h.m4, ./m4/tsearch.m4, ./m4/wctype.m4
+Copyright: 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/absolute-header.m4, ./m4/fchdir.m4, ./m4/include_next.m4, ./m4/inttypes.m4, ./m4/openmp.m4, ./m4/sys_select_h.m4, ./m4/sys_stat_h.m4, ./m4/unistd_h.m4, ./m4/wcwidth.m4
+Copyright: 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/error.texi, ./m4/check-math-lib.m4, ./m4/closein.m4, ./m4/count-one-bits.m4, ./m4/fbufmode.m4, ./m4/float_h.m4, ./m4/fpieee.m4, ./m4/freadable.m4, ./m4/freading.m4, ./m4/fseek.m4, ./m4/ftell.m4, ./m4/fwritable.m4, ./m4/fwriting.m4, ./m4/gnu-make.m4, ./m4/localename.m4, ./m4/lseek.m4, ./m4/mpsort.m4, ./m4/round.m4, ./m4/strings_h.m4, ./m4/sys_time_h.m4, ./m4/trunc.m4, ./m4/truncf.m4
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/COPYING.LESSERv3
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+Files: ./m4/ftello.m4
+Copyright: 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/frexp.m4, ./m4/signal_h.m4, ./m4/string_h.m4
+Copyright: 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/ceil.m4, ./m4/ceilf.m4, ./m4/ceill.m4, ./m4/floor.m4, ./m4/floorf.m4, ./m4/floorl.m4, ./m4/fpurge.m4, ./m4/gc-camellia.m4, ./m4/locale_h.m4, ./m4/malloc.m4, ./m4/printf-frexp.m4, ./m4/printf-frexpl.m4, ./m4/realloc.m4, ./m4/roundl.m4, ./m4/strptime.m4, ./m4/tmpfile.m4, ./m4/write-any-file.m4
+Copyright: 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/exponentd.m4, ./m4/exponentf.m4, ./m4/freopen.m4, ./m4/fseeko.m4, ./m4/iconv_h.m4, ./m4/isnan.m4, ./m4/math_h.m4, ./m4/posix-shell.m4, ./m4/search_h.m4, ./m4/sleep.m4, ./m4/truncl.m4
+Copyright: 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/dprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/exponentl.m4, ./m4/fflush.m4, ./m4/fopen.m4, ./m4/fprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/frexpl.m4, ./m4/gnulib-common.m4, ./m4/iconv_open.m4, ./m4/isfinite.m4, ./m4/isinf.m4, ./m4/isnand.m4, ./m4/isnanf.m4, ./m4/isnanl.m4, ./m4/ldexpl.m4, ./m4/open.m4, ./m4/printf-posix-rpl.m4, ./m4/roundf.m4, ./m4/signbit.m4, ./m4/snprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/sprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/stdio_h.m4, ./m4/stdlib_h.m4, ./m4/vasnprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/vasprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/vdprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/vfprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/vprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/vsnprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/vsprintf-posix.m4, ./m4/wchar.m4
+Copyright: 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/c-ctype.texi, ./doc/c-strcase.texi, ./doc/c-strcaseeq.texi, ./doc/c-strcasestr.texi, ./doc/c-strstr.texi, ./doc/c-strtold.texi, ./m4/atoll.m4, ./m4/cond.m4, ./m4/flock.m4, ./m4/fsync.m4, ./m4/func.m4, ./m4/getdtablesize.m4, ./m4/hostent.m4, ./m4/mbrlen.m4, ./m4/mbsinit.m4, ./m4/mbsnrtowcs.m4, ./m4/netdb_h.m4, ./m4/obstack-printf.m4, ./m4/perror.m4, ./m4/posix_spawn.m4, ./m4/random_r.m4, ./m4/sched_h.m4, ./m4/servent.m4, ./m4/sigaction.m4, ./m4/spawn_h.m4, ./m4/strsignal.m4, ./m4/sys_file_h.m4, ./m4/sys_times_h.m4, ./m4/sys_wait_h.m4, ./m4/thread.m4, ./m4/warnings.m4, ./m4/write.m4
+Copyright: 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/gnu-oids.texi, ./m4/ld-output-def.m4, ./m4/ld-version-script.m4, ./m4/manywarnings.m4, ./m4/multiarch.m4, ./m4/pmccabe2html.m4, ./m4/sigpipe.m4, ./m4/sockets.m4, ./m4/strstr.m4
+Copyright: 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/c-strtod.texi, ./m4/btowc.m4, ./m4/close.m4, ./m4/dirent_h.m4, ./m4/fclose.m4, ./m4/mbsrtowcs.m4, ./m4/obstack-printf-posix.m4, ./m4/sys_ioctl_h.m4, ./m4/wcrtomb.m4, ./m4/wcsnrtombs.m4, ./m4/wcsrtombs.m4, ./m4/wctob.m4
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./m4/00gnulib.m4, ./m4/accept4.m4, ./m4/alphasort.m4, ./m4/dirent-safer.m4, ./m4/dprintf.m4, ./m4/dup3.m4, ./m4/faccessat.m4, ./m4/fdopendir.m4, ./m4/idpriv.m4, ./m4/libunistring.m4, ./m4/link.m4, ./m4/mkostemp.m4, ./m4/mode_t.m4, ./m4/pipe2.m4, ./m4/popen.m4, ./m4/priv-set.m4, ./m4/pthread.m4, ./m4/safe-alloc.m4, ./m4/scandir.m4, ./m4/select.m4, ./m4/stddef_h.m4, ./m4/symlinkat.m4, ./m4/sys_utsname_h.m4, ./m4/uname.m4, ./m4/ungetc.m4, ./m4/vdprintf.m4, ./m4/version-etc.m4
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/maintain.texi, ./doc/standards.texi
+Copyright: @{} 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
+Files: ./doc/install.texi
+Copyright: @{} 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004
+Files: ./doc/gnulib.texi
+Copyright: @{} 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/lgpl-3.0.texi
+Copyright: @{} 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @url{}
+Files: ./doc/agpl-3.0.texi
+Copyright: @{} 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @url{} / on the software, and (2) offer
+Files: ./doc/gpl-3.0.texi
+Copyright: @{} 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @url{} / on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+Files: ./COPYING
+Copyright: Free Software Foundation, and
+Files: ./doc/Copyright/assign.changes.manual, ./doc/Copyright/assign.future.manual
+Copyright: holder so / to the Foundation is to sign an assignment / on the new version
+Files: ./doc/Copyright/conditions.text
+Copyright: holder, the Foundation can sue anyone who tries to / to the Free Software Foundation / laws, even though / means signing a contract that makes the Free / law for helping / to defend users' freedom, by means
+Files: ./doc/Copyright/disclaim.changes.manual
+Copyright: interest in my
+Files: ./doc/Copyright/disclaim.manual, ./doc/Copyright/disclaim.program
+Copyright: interest in my / interest
+Files: ./doc/fdl-1.3.texi, ./doc/fdl.texi
+Copyright: law / holder saying it can be / @{} 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/fdl-1.2.texi
+Copyright: law / holder saying it can be / @{} 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/Copyright/assign.translation.manual
+Copyright: on the new version. I'm assuming that you / holder so that / to the Foundation is to sign an assignment
+Files: ./doc/COPYINGv3
+Copyright: on the software, and (2) offer you this License / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+Files: ./doc/Copyright/assign.manual
+Copyright: on this manual to the Foundation is to / interest
+Files: ./doc/Copyright/request-assign.changes, ./doc/Copyright/request-assign.future
+Copyright: registration, what country are you a citizen of?]
+Files: ./doc/COPYING.LESSERv2
+Copyright: the / 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/lgpl-2.1.texi
+Copyright: the / @{} 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./doc/gpl-2.0.texi
+Copyright: the software, and / @{} 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./modules/version-etc-fsf
+Copyright: variable for FSF projects
+Files: ./modules/update-copyright
+Copyright: year list to include the current year
+Files: ./lib/unicase/cased.h, ./lib/unicase/ignorable.h, ./lib/unicase/special-casing-table.gperf, ./lib/unicase/tocasefold.h, ./lib/unicase/tolower.h, ./lib/unicase/totitle.h, ./lib/unicase/toupper.h, ./lib/unictype/bidi_of.h, ./lib/unictype/blocks.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_C.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cc.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cf.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cn.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Co.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cs.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_L.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Ll.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lm.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lo.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lt.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lu.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_M.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Mc.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Me.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Mn.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_N.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Nd.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Nl.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_No.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_P.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pc.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pd.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pe.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pf.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pi.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Po.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Ps.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_S.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Sc.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Sk.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Sm.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_So.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Z.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Zl.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Zp.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_Zs.h, ./lib/unictype/categ_of.h, ./lib/unictype/combining.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_alnum.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_alpha.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_blank.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_cntrl.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_digit.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_graph.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_lower.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_print.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_punct.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_space.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_upper.h, ./lib/unictype/ctype_xdigit.h, ./lib/unictype/decdigit.h, ./lib/unictype/digit.h, ./lib/unictype/mirror.h, ./lib/unictype/numeric.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_alphabetic.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_ascii_hex_digit.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_arabic_digit.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_arabic_right_to_left.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_block_separator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_boundary_neutral.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_common_separator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_control.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_embedding_or_override.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_eur_num_separator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_eur_num_terminator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_european_digit.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_hebrew_right_to_left.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_left_to_right.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_non_spacing_mark.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_other_neutral.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_pdf.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_segment_separator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_whitespace.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_combining.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_composite.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_currency_symbol.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_dash.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_decimal_digit.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_default_ignorable_code_point.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_deprecated.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_diacritic.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_extender.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_format_control.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_grapheme_base.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_grapheme_extend.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_grapheme_link.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_hex_digit.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_hyphen.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_id_continue.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_id_start.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_ideographic.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_ids_binary_operator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_ids_trinary_operator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_ignorable_control.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_iso_control.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_join_control.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_left_of_pair.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_line_separator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_logical_order_exception.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_lowercase.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_math.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_non_break.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_not_a_character.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_numeric.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_alphabetic.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_default_ignorable_code_point.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_grapheme_extend.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_id_continue.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_id_start.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_lowercase.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_math.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_uppercase.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_paired_punctuation.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_paragraph_separator.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_pattern_syntax.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_pattern_white_space.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_private_use.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_punctuation.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_quotation_mark.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_radical.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_sentence_terminal.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_soft_dotted.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_space.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_terminal_punctuation.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_titlecase.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_unassigned_code_value.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_unified_ideograph.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_uppercase.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_variation_selector.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_white_space.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_xid_continue.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_xid_start.h, ./lib/unictype/pr_zero_width.h, ./lib/unictype/scripts.h, ./lib/unictype/scripts_byname.gperf, ./lib/unictype/sy_c_ident.h, ./lib/unictype/sy_c_whitespace.h, ./lib/unictype/sy_java_ident.h, ./lib/unictype/sy_java_whitespace.h, ./lib/uniname/uninames.h, ./lib/uninorm/decomposition-table1.h, ./lib/uninorm/decomposition-table2.h, ./modules/alloca-opt, ./modules/argz, ./mo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+License: *No copyright* GENERATED FILE
+Files: ./lib/atexit.c, ./lib/ftruncate.c
+License: *No copyright* Public domain
+Files: ./lib/fts_.h
+Copyright: 1989, 1993 / 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: BSD (3 clause) GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fts.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1993, 1994 / 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: BSD (3 clause) GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/random_r.c
+Copyright: 1983 Regents of the University of California / 1995, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation
+License: BSD (3 clause) LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./lib/rijndael-alg-fst.h, ./lib/rijndael-api-fst.h
+Copyright: 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: BSD GPL 
+Files: ./lib/rijndael-alg-fst.c, ./lib/rijndael-api-fst.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: BSD GPL 
+Files: ./m4/onceonly.m4
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./lib/regex.h
+Copyright: 1985,1989-93,1995-98,2000,2001,2002,2003,2005,2006
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strtol.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2005
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/memcmp.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2006, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/memchr2.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/memchr.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strcspn.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1994, 1996-1997, 2002-2003, 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/putenv.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1994, 1997-1998, 2000, 2003-2008
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strpbrk.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1994, 2000, 2002-2003, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strdup.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/memset.c
+Copyright: 1991, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/fnmatch_loop.c
+Copyright: 1991,1992,1993,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/fnmatch.c
+Copyright: 1991,1992,1993,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2009
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/memmem.c, ./lib/strstr.c
+Copyright: 1991,92,93,94,96,97,98,2000,2004,2007,2008 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/stpcpy.c
+Copyright: 1992, 1995, 1997-1998, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/alphasort.c
+Copyright: 1992, 1997, 1998, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/pathmax.h
+Copyright: 1992, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/scandir.c
+Copyright: 1992-1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/getpass.c
+Copyright: 1992-2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/stpncpy.c
+Copyright: 1993, 1995-1997, 2002-2003, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/mktime.c
+Copyright: 1993-1999, 2002-2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/getdelim.c
+Copyright: 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/timegm.c
+Copyright: 1994, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strtoull.c
+Copyright: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/minmax.h
+Copyright: 1995, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 1995, 1999, 2001-2004, 2006-2008 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/md2.c, ./lib/md4.c
+Copyright: 1995,1996,1997,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2005,2006,2008
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/md5.c
+Copyright: 1995,1996,1997,1999,2000,2001,2005,2006,2008
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/c-strcase.h
+Copyright: 1995-1996, 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 1995-1996, 2001-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/tsearch.c
+Copyright: 1995-1997, 2000, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/md5.h
+Copyright: 1995-1997,1999,2000,2001,2004,2005,2006,2008,2009
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/gettext.h
+Copyright: 1995-1998, 2000-2002, 2004-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./config/
+Copyright: 1995-1998, 2000-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc."\
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/argz.c
+Copyright: 1995-1998, 2000-2002, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strndup.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/malloc.c
+Copyright: 1997, 1998, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strverscmp.c
+Copyright: 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc / ((unsigned int) - '0' <= 9)
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/getaddrinfo.c
+Copyright: 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/gai_strerror.c
+Copyright: 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/check-version.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/des.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/utime.c
+Copyright: 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/c-strcasecmp.c, ./lib/c-strncasecmp.c
+Copyright: 1998-1999, 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strcasecmp.c, ./lib/strncasecmp.c
+Copyright: 1998-1999, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/base64.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/asnprintf.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/asprintf.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/vasprintf.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/printf-parse.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2002-2003, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/printf-args.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002-2003, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/printf-args.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2002-2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/vasnprintf.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/printf-parse.c
+Copyright: 1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/iconv.c
+Copyright: 1999-2001, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/ref-add.sin, ./lib/ref-del.sin
+Copyright: 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/arcfour.h
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/arctwo.h
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/arcfour.c
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/sha1.c
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/sha1.h
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/md2.h, ./lib/md4.h
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/unictype/3level.h
+Copyright: 2000-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/unictype/3levelbit.h
+Copyright: 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/localcharset.h
+Copyright: 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/config.charset
+Copyright: 2000-2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/localcharset.c
+Copyright: 2000-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/gettimeofday.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/poll.c
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/striconv.h
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/concat-filename.c, ./lib/xconcat-filename.c
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/striconv.c
+Copyright: 2001-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/gc-pbkdf2-sha1.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/regex_internal.c, ./lib/regex_internal.h, ./lib/regexec.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/gc-gnulib.c, ./lib/gc-libgcrypt.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./tests/test-gc-pbkdf2-sha1.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/gc.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008 Simon Josefsson
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/regex.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strptime.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/regcomp.c
+Copyright: 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/vasnprintf.h
+Copyright: 2002-2004, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/utimens.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/arctwo.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/time_r.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/malloca.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/mempcpy.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/xsize.h
+Copyright: 2003, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/alignof.h
+Copyright: 2003-2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/malloca.h
+Copyright: 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2003-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/getpass.h
+Copyright: 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/base64.h
+Copyright: 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./build-aux/gnupload
+Copyright: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/snprintf.c, ./lib/vsnprintf.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strsep.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2004, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./tests/test-gc-arcfour.c, ./tests/test-gc-arctwo.c, ./tests/test-gc-des.c, ./tests/test-gc-hmac-md5.c, ./tests/test-gc-hmac-sha1.c, ./tests/test-gc-md2.c, ./tests/test-gc-md4.c, ./tests/test-gc-md5.c, ./tests/test-gc-rijndael.c, ./tests/test-gc-sha1.c, ./tests/test-md2.c, ./tests/test-md4.c
+Copyright: 2005 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/canon-host.h, ./lib/check-version.h, ./lib/hmac.h, ./lib/memxor.h
+Copyright: 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./tests/test-gc.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/hmac-md5.c, ./lib/hmac-sha1.c, ./lib/memxor.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/getline.c, ./lib/getlogin_r.c, ./lib/strnlen.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/canon-host.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./tests/test-des.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/des.h
+Copyright: 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/size_max.h
+Copyright: 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2005-2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/glthread/cond.h, ./lib/glthread/lock.c, ./lib/glthread/lock.h, ./lib/glthread/thread.c, ./lib/glthread/thread.h, ./lib/glthread/yield.h
+Copyright: 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/strcasestr.c
+Copyright: 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc / TOLOWER 
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/glthread/threadlib.c, ./lib/, ./lib/
+Copyright: 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/read-file.c, ./lib/read-file.h
+Copyright: 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/float+.h, ./lib/iconv_close.c, ./lib/lseek.c, ./lib/round.c, ./lib/roundf.c, ./lib/roundl.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./tests/test-closein.c, ./tests/test-roundf1.c
+Copyright: 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/iconv_open.c
+Copyright: 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./build-aux/git-version-gen
+Copyright: 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/, ./lib/isfinite.c, ./lib/isinf.c, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./tests/test-getdelim.c, ./tests/test-getline.c, ./tests/test-round1.c, ./tests/test-strerror.c, ./tests/test-yesno.c
+Copyright: 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/fseeko.c, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./tests/test-roundl.c
+Copyright: 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/glthread/cond.c, ./lib/, ./lib/obstack_printf.c, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./lib/times.c, ./tests/test-getndelim2.c, ./tests/test-perror.c, ./tests/test-sigpipe.c, ./tests/test-strsignal.c, ./tests/test-strverscmp.c
+Copyright: 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/str-two-way.h
+Copyright: 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc / A macro that canonicalizes an element right after
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./tests/test-getdate.c
+Copyright: 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/, ./lib/select.c, ./lib/, ./tests/test-filevercmp.c, ./tests/test-poll.c, ./tests/test-quotearg.c, ./tests/test-xmemdup0.c
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/accept4.c, ./lib/dup3.c, ./lib/link.c, ./lib/nproc.c, ./lib/nproc.h, ./lib/pipe2.c, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./tests/test-pipe.c, ./tests/test-pipe2.c
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./lib/str-kmp.h
+Copyright: A macro that canonicalizes an element right after / 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./build-aux/update-copyright
+Copyright: target rule in from gnulib's / 1990-2005, 2007-2009 Free Software / statement is not recognized because the / statements to be updated. For example, you might wish to / &copy; 90,2005,2007-2009 / statement must be formated correctly in / year list to include the current year / 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc / year intervals. (See "Environment variables" / @{} 1990-2005, 2007-2009 Free Software / statement is recognized in a file and the final
+License: GPL 
+Files: ./build-aux/mdate-sh
+Copyright: 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free
+Files: ./build-aux/elisp-comp
+Copyright: 1995, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software
+Files: ./build-aux/missing
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+Files: ./build-aux/depcomp
+Copyright: 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free
+Files: ./build-aux/compile
+Copyright: 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software
+Files: ./lib/crc.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./lib/c-ctype.c
+Copyright: 2000-2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-2+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-ctype.h
+Copyright: 2000-2003, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-2+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-flock.c, ./tests/test-fsync.c
+Copyright: 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-2+ 
+Files: ./lib/git-merge-changelog.c
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Bruno Haible <>
+License: GPL-2+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-link.c
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-2+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/config.sub
+Copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
+Files: ./build-aux/config.guess
+Copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 / 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
+Files: ./tests/test-btowc.c
+Copyright: != WEOF); / 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc / == c);
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/vc-list-files
+Copyright: $year Free Software Foundation, Inc / 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/version-etc-fsf.c
+Copyright: %s %d Free Software Foundation, Inc."; / 1999-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc / goes to the FSF. */
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/filename.h
+Copyright: ( == '/' || == '\\') / tests whether C is a directory separator character / 2001-2004, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc / ( == '/')
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/posixtm.c
+Copyright: ((unsigned int) - '0' <= 9) / 1989, 1990, 1991, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getloadavg.c
+Copyright: 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/texinfo.tex
+Copyright: 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/idcache.c
+Copyright: 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2005-2007
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/filemode.c
+Copyright: 1985, 1990, 1993, 1998-2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/linebuffer.c
+Copyright: 1986, 1991, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/linebuffer.h
+Copyright: 1986, 1991, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2007 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getopt.c
+Copyright: 1987,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,98,99,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2006,2008
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getopt1.c
+Copyright: 1987,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,96,97,98,2004,2006,2009
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/obstack.c
+Copyright: 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/rmdir.c
+Copyright: 1988, 1990, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fstrcmp.c
+Copyright: 1988-1989, 1992-1993, 1995, 2001-2003, 2006, 2008
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/diffseq.h
+Copyright: 1988-1989, 1992-1995, 2001-2004, 2006-2008 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/obstack.h
+Copyright: 1988-1994,1996-1999,2003,2004,2005,2006
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/modechange.c
+Copyright: 1989, 1990, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/modechange.h
+Copyright: 1989, 1990, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/userspec.c
+Copyright: 1989-1992, 1997-1998, 2000, 2002-2007 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getopt_int.h
+Copyright: 1989-1994,1996-1999,2001,2003,2004
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 1989-1994,1996-1999,2001,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/diacrit.h
+Copyright: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/backupfile.c, ./lib/xalloc.h, ./lib/xmalloc.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/diacrit.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2000, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/backupfile.h
+Copyright: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/euidaccess.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1991, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getugroups.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1991, 1998-2000, 2003-2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readtokens.h
+Copyright: 1990, 1991, 1999, 2001-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/savedir.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mkdir-p.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fileblocks.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/basename.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argmatch.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argmatch.h
+Copyright: 1990, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/dirname.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/yesno.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1998, 2001, 2003-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/isdir.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1998, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-argmatch.c
+Copyright: 1990, 1998-1999, 2001-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/stripslash.c
+Copyright: 1990, 2001, 2003-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readtokens.c
+Copyright: 1990-1991, 1999-2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/error.c
+Copyright: 1990-1998, 2000-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/
+Copyright: 1990-2005, 2007-2009 Free Software / @{} 1990-2005, 2007-2009 Free Software / 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc / &copy; 90,2005,2007-2009
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/tempname.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strtod.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2008 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fsusage.h
+Copyright: 1991, 1992, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mountlist.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1992, 1997-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mountlist.h
+Copyright: 1991, 1992, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/memrchr.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strtoul.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getusershell.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/cloexec.c
+Copyright: 1991, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strtok_r.c
+Copyright: 1991,1996-1999,2001,2004,2007,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fsusage.c
+Copyright: 1991-1992, 1996, 1998-1999, 2002-2006, 2009
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strftime.c
+Copyright: 1991-1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getcwd.c
+Copyright: 1991-1999, 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/exclude.c
+Copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/exclude.h
+Copyright: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xgetdomainname.h
+Copyright: 1992, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xgethostname.c
+Copyright: 1992, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xgetdomainname.c
+Copyright: 1992, 1996, 2000-2001, 2003-2004, 2006, 2008 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/gethostname.c
+Copyright: 1992, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unsetenv.c
+Copyright: 1992,1995-1999,2000-2002,2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/setenv.c
+Copyright: 1992,1995-1999,2000-2003,2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readutmp.c
+Copyright: 1992-2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readutmp.h
+Copyright: 1992-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/full-write.c
+Copyright: 1993, 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/long-options.c
+Copyright: 1993, 1994, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/long-options.h
+Copyright: 1993, 1994, 1998, 1999, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/safe-read.c
+Copyright: 1993, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/file-type.h
+Copyright: 1993, 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/file-type.c
+Copyright: 1993, 1994, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getndelim2.c
+Copyright: 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mkdir-p.h
+Copyright: 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/group-member.c
+Copyright: 1994, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/group-member.h
+Copyright: 1994, 1997, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strtoll.c
+Copyright: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/error.h
+Copyright: 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xstrtol.c, ./tests/test-xstrtol.c
+Copyright: 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xstrtol.h
+Copyright: 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xstrtol-error.c
+Copyright: 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2001-2004, 2006-2008
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/save-cwd.h
+Copyright: 1995, 1997, 1998, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/save-cwd.c
+Copyright: 1995, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getdate.h
+Copyright: 1995, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2007 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/memcpy.c
+Copyright: 1995, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fstrcmp.h
+Copyright: 1995, 2000, 2002-2003, 2006, 2008 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xgetcwd.h
+Copyright: 1995, 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 1995, 2001-2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp.h
+Copyright: 1995-1999,2003-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-parse.c
+Copyright: 1995-2000, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-help.c
+Copyright: 1995-2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/human.c, ./lib/human.h
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-pvh.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getsubopt.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-pv.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-ba.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 1999, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/memcasecmp.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/filenamecat.h
+Copyright: 1996, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/rpmatch.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2006-2008 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/memcasecmp.h
+Copyright: 1996, 1998, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xstrtod.h
+Copyright: 1996, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xstrtod.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getgroups.c
+Copyright: 1996, 1999, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/canonicalize-lgpl.c
+Copyright: 1996-2003, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/canonicalize.h, ./lib/filenamecat.c
+Copyright: 1996-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-filenamecat.c
+Copyright: 1996-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/canonicalize.c
+Copyright: 1996-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-eexst.c
+Copyright: 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/same.c
+Copyright: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xalloc-die.c
+Copyright: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/same.h
+Copyright: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/hard-locale.c
+Copyright: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-xinl.c
+Copyright: 1997, 1998, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/savedir.h
+Copyright: 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-fs-xinl.c
+Copyright: 1997, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/realloc.c
+Copyright: 1997, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-namefrob.h
+Copyright: 1997, 2003, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/chown.c
+Copyright: 1997, 2004-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-fmtstream.h
+Copyright: 1997, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/lstat.c
+Copyright: 1997-1999, 2000-2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-fmtstream.c
+Copyright: 1997-1999,2001,2002,2003,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/hash.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/quotearg.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/close-stream.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/closeout.c, ./lib/quotearg.h
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/quote.h
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/quote.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/hash.h
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mkostemp.c, ./lib/mkstemp.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/lchown.c
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/filemode.h
+Copyright: 1998, 1999, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/closeout.h
+Copyright: 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/dirname.h
+Copyright: 1998, 2001, 2003-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc / (((unsigned int) | ('a' - 'A')) - 'a' \ / ( == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/posixtm.h
+Copyright: 1998, 2003, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbscasecmp.c, ./lib/mbsncasecmp.c, ./lib/mbspcasecmp.c
+Copyright: 1998-1999, 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbmemcasecmp.c
+Copyright: 1998-1999, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getdate.y
+Copyright: 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/nanosleep.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strtoimax.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/tmpdir.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2001-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc / ( == '/' || == '\\') / tests whether C is a directory separator character / ( == '/')
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mkdtemp.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2001-2003, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/memcoll.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbscspn.c, ./lib/mbspbrk.c, ./lib/mbsspn.c, ./lib/mbstok_r.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xasprintf.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002-2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xvasprintf.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002-2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/memcoll.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/hard-locale.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/version-etc.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2003, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/dup2.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/sincosl.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/trigl.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbrlen.c
+Copyright: 1999-2000, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbrtowc.c
+Copyright: 1999-2002, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/version-etc.c
+Copyright: 1999-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/spawn.c, ./lib/spawn_faction_addclose.c, ./lib/spawn_faction_adddup2.c, ./lib/spawn_faction_addopen.c, ./lib/spawn_faction_destroy.c, ./lib/spawn_faction_init.c, ./lib/spawnattr_destroy.c, ./lib/spawnattr_getdefault.c, ./lib/spawnattr_getflags.c, ./lib/spawnattr_getpgroup.c, ./lib/spawnattr_getschedpolicy.c, ./lib/spawnattr_getsigmask.c, ./lib/spawnattr_init.c, ./lib/spawnattr_setdefault.c, ./lib/spawnattr_setpgroup.c, ./lib/spawnattr_setschedparam.c, ./lib/spawnattr_setschedpolicy.c, ./lib/spawnattr_setsigmask.c, ./lib/spawnp.c
+Copyright: 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/physmem.c
+Copyright: 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/timespec.h
+Copyright: 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/physmem.h
+Copyright: 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2000, 2003, 2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fpending.h
+Copyright: 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/spawnattr_setflags.c
+Copyright: 2000, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fpending.c
+Copyright: 2000, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/spawn_int.h, ./lib/spawnattr_getschedparam.c
+Copyright: 2000, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/gen-uni-tables.c
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2004, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/uniname/test-uninames.c
+Copyright: 2000-2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unicodeio.h
+Copyright: 2000-2003, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unicodeio.c
+Copyright: 2000-2003, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbswidth.h
+Copyright: 2000-2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/spawni.c
+Copyright: 2000-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbswidth.c
+Copyright: 2000-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/atanl.c, ./lib/logl.c
+Copyright: 2001 by Stephen L. Moshier <>
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unlocked-io.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/intprops.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/inttostr.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/rename.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/hash-pjw.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xgetcwd.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/areadlink.h, ./lib/xreadlink.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/w32spawn.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistd-safer.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/binary-io.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/, ./lib/hash-pjw.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mkdir.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/stdio-safer.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/clean-temp.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./top/GNUmakefile
+Copyright: 2001, 2003, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/areadlink-with-size.c, ./lib/areadlink.c, ./lib/xreadlink.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/dup-safer.c, ./lib/fopen-safer.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbfile.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbiter.h, ./lib/mbuiter.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbchar.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/, ./lib/mbchar.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/inttostr.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/dirfd.c
+Copyright: 2001, 2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/javaexec.h, ./lib/tmpdir.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/sh-quote.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xsetenv.c
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/, ./lib/gcd.c, ./lib/gcd.h, ./lib/javacomp.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xsetenv.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/copy-file.h, ./lib/findprog.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/progname.c, ./lib/wait-process.c
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-strstr.h, ./lib/classpath.c
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/pipe.h, ./lib/wait-process.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/copy-file.c
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/javacomp.c, ./lib/javaexec.c
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/execute.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/pipe-filter-aux.h, ./lib/pipe-filter-gi.c, ./lib/pipe-filter-ii.c
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/progname.h, ./lib/sh-quote.c, ./lib/xstriconv.c
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xstriconv.h
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/findprog-lgpl.c, ./lib/findprog.c
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/execute.c, ./lib/pipe.c
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/concat-filename.h
+Copyright: 2001-2004, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/iconveh.h, ./lib/striconveh.h, ./lib/xstriconveh.h
+Copyright: 2001-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/striconveh.c, ./top/
+Copyright: 2001-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/exitfail.h, ./lib/full-read.h, ./lib/safe-write.c, ./lib/safe-write.h
+Copyright: 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/full-read.c, ./lib/trigl.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./config/
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004 2005, 2006, 2008
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/posixver.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xnanosleep.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xmemcoll.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/raise.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/exitfail.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./config/srclist-update
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/expl.c, ./lib/sqrtl.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/ldexpl.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2003, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/gettime.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/settime.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/sig2str.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-c-stack.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-stack.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-stack.h, ./lib/strftime.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/sig2str.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/striconveha.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/striconveha.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2005, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/safe-read.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/acl.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/full-write.h
+Copyright: 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/copy-acl.c
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/acl-internal.h, ./lib/acl_entries.c, ./lib/file-has-acl.c, ./lib/set-mode-acl.c
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2002-2003, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xvasprintf.h
+Copyright: 2002-2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-stdbool.c
+Copyright: 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./posix-modules
+Copyright: 2002-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./, ./build-aux/announce-gen, ./gnulib-tool
+Copyright: 2002-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/classpath.h, ./lib/csharpcomp.h, ./lib/csharpexec.h, ./lib/xstrndup.h
+Copyright: 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getnline.h
+Copyright: 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/cycle-check.c, ./lib/fts-cycle.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/cycle-check.h, ./lib/getndelim2.h, ./lib/getnline.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-strtod.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2004, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/
+Copyright: 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xmalloca.h
+Copyright: 2003, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fwriteerror.h
+Copyright: 2003, 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/, ./lib/relocwrapper.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/install-reloc
+Copyright: 2003, 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/free.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xstrndup.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/getdomainname.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/xmalloca.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 2003, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strchrnul.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/eealloc.h, ./tests/test-stpncpy.c
+Copyright: 2003, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fatal-signal.h
+Copyright: 2003-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fatal-signal.c
+Copyright: 2003-2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-strtod.h
+Copyright: 2003-2004, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/
+Copyright: 2003-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fwriteerror.c
+Copyright: 2003-2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readlink.c
+Copyright: 2003-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/csharpcomp.c, ./lib/csharpexec.c
+Copyright: 2003-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/bootstrap, ./lib/progreloc.c
+Copyright: 2003-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readtokens0.h, ./lib/utimecmp.h, ./lib/yesno.h
+Copyright: 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/chdir-long.h, ./tests/test-iconvme.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/calloc.c, ./lib/utimecmp.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readtokens0.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fprintf.c, ./lib/sprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-fprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-vfprintf.c, ./lib/vfprintf.c, ./lib/vsprintf.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/dummy.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-strstr.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-fpending.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-memmem.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-base64.c
+Copyright: 2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/openat.h
+Copyright: 2004-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/chdir-long.c, ./lib/fdopendir.c, ./lib/openat.c
+Copyright: 2004-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-arcfour.c, ./tests/test-arctwo.c, ./tests/test-hmac-md5.c, ./tests/test-hmac-sha1.c, ./tests/test-md5.c, ./tests/test-rijndael.c
+Copyright: 2005 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-pin.c, ./lib/c-strcasestr.h, ./lib/chdir-safer.h, ./lib/crc.h, ./lib/fprintftime.h, ./lib/gethrxtime.h, ./lib/readline.h, ./lib/stdlib-safer.h, ./lib/strnlen1.h, ./lib/unistd--.h, ./lib/unlinkdir.h, ./tests/test-getpass.c, ./tests/test-verify.c
+Copyright: 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/creat-safer.c, ./lib/pipe-safer.c, ./lib/verify.h, ./lib/xtime.h
+Copyright: 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-crc.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/gethrxtime.c, ./lib/mkstemp-safer.c, ./lib/pagealign_alloc.c, ./lib/stdlib--.h, ./tests/test-dirname.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/readline.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./check-module
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc / 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/sha256.c, ./lib/sha512.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/sha256.h, ./lib/sha512.h
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/open-safer.c, ./lib/openat-die.c, ./lib/openat-safer.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fd-safer.c, ./lib/mkdirat.c, ./lib/openat-priv.h, ./lib/stdio--.h
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-gettimeofday.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/, ./lib/stat-time.h, ./tests/test-alloca-opt.c, ./tests/test-malloca.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/glthread/tls.h, ./tests/test-binary-io.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-c-ctype.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc / == (c >= 0 && c < 0x80));
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/pagealign_alloc.h, ./tests/test-lock.c, ./tests/test-tls.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-sha1.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fcntl--.h, ./lib/fcntl-safer.h
+Copyright: 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/strnlen1.c
+Copyright: 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/chdir-safer.c
+Copyright: 2005-2006, 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unlinkdir.c
+Copyright: 2005-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-strcasestr.c, ./lib/c-strstr.c, ./lib/glthread/tls.c
+Copyright: 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbscasestr.c
+Copyright: 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc / TOLOWER 
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/, ./lib/clean-temp.h, ./lib/gl_anyavltree_list1.h, ./lib/gl_anyhash_list1.h, ./lib/gl_anyhash_list2.h, ./lib/gl_anylinked_list1.h, ./lib/gl_anyrbtree_list1.h, ./lib/gl_anytree_list1.h, ./lib/gl_array_list.h, ./lib/gl_array_oset.h, ./lib/gl_avltree_list.h, ./lib/gl_avltree_oset.h, ./lib/gl_avltreehash_list.h, ./lib/gl_carray_list.h, ./lib/gl_linked_list.h, ./lib/gl_linkedhash_list.h, ./lib/gl_rbtree_list.h, ./lib/gl_rbtree_oset.h, ./lib/gl_rbtreehash_list.h, ./lib/gl_sublist.h, ./lib/i-ring.c, ./lib/i-ring.h, ./lib/imaxabs.c, ./lib/imaxdiv.c, ./lib/javaversion.h, ./lib/, ./lib/mkancesdirs.c, ./lib/rename-dest-slash.c, ./lib/same-inode.h, ./lib/savewd.h, ./lib/trim.h, ./lib/u64.h
+Copyright: 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/bootstrap.conf, ./lib/wcwidth.c
+Copyright: 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/dirchownmod.c
+Copyright: 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/savewd.c
+Copyright: 2006, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
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+Copyright: 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/at-func.c, ./lib/fchmodat.c, ./lib/fstatat.c, ./lib/openat-proc.c, ./lib/tempname.h, ./lib/tmpfile-safer.c
+Copyright: 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-read-file.c
+Copyright: 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/gl_anyavltree_list2.h, ./lib/gl_anyrbtree_list2.h, ./lib/gl_anytree_oset.h, ./lib/gl_anytreehash_list1.h, ./lib/gl_anytreehash_list2.h, ./lib/gl_array_oset.c, ./lib/gl_avltree_oset.c, ./lib/gl_oset.c, ./lib/gl_oset.h, ./lib/gl_rbtree_oset.c, ./lib/verror.c, ./lib/verror.h, ./tests/test-argp.c, ./tests/test-inttypes.c
+Copyright: 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fchownat.c
+Copyright: 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
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+Copyright: 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/, ./lib/fchdir.c, ./lib/, ./lib/, ./lib/propername.c, ./lib/, ./tests/test-avltree_list.c, ./tests/test-avltree_oset.c, ./tests/test-getaddrinfo.c
+Copyright: 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
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+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/move-if-change
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / 2002-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/pmccabe2html, ./lib/ftell.c, ./tests/test-c-strcasestr.c, ./tests/test-localename.c, ./tests/test-math.c, ./tests/test-strcasestr.c
+Copyright: 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-fseek.c, ./tests/test-fseeko.c, ./tests/test-ftell.c, ./tests/test-ftello.c, ./tests/test-signbit.c
+Copyright: 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/selinux-at.c, ./lib/selinux-at.h, ./lib/signbitf.c, ./lib/signbitl.c, ./tests/test-fcntl-h.c, ./tests/test-locale.c, ./tests/test-stdio.c, ./tests/test-stdlib.c, ./tests/test-string.c, ./tests/test-sys_socket.c, ./tests/test-time.c, ./tests/test-unistd.c
+Copyright: 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-count-one-bits.c
+Copyright: 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/mktempd, ./lib/count-one-bits.h, ./lib/, ./lib/fpucw.h, ./lib/freadahead.h, ./lib/freading.h, ./lib/freadptr.h, ./lib/freadseek.h, ./lib/freopen.c, ./lib/frexp.c, ./lib/isnan.c, ./lib/isnand-nolibm.h, ./lib/isnanf-nolibm.h, ./lib/isnanl-nolibm.h, ./lib/mbschr.c, ./lib/mbslen.c, ./lib/mbsnlen.c, ./lib/mbsrchr.c, ./lib/mbssep.c, ./lib/, ./lib/stdio-impl.h, ./lib/xprintf.h, ./tests/test-byteswap.c, ./tests/test-c-strcasecmp.c, ./tests/test-c-strncasecmp.c, ./tests/test-c-strstr.c, ./tests/test-canonicalize-lgpl.c, ./tests/test-canonicalize.c, ./tests/test-ceilf1.c, ./tests/test-ceilf2.c, ./tests/test-fbufmode.c, ./tests/test-floorf1.c, ./tests/test-floorf2.c, ./tests/test-fprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-fprintf-posix.h, ./tests/test-freadable.c, ./tests/test-freadahead.c, ./tests/test-freading.c, ./tests/test-freadptr.c, ./tests/test-freadptr2.c, ./tests/test-freopen.c, ./tests/test-frexp.c, ./tests/test-fwritable.c, ./tests/test-fwriting.c, ./tests/test-iconv-utf.c, ./tests/test-iconv.c, ./tests/test-isfinite.c, ./tests/test-isinf.c, ./tests/test-isnand-nolibm.c, ./tests/test-isnand.c, ./tests/test-isnand.h, ./tests/test-isnanf-nolibm.c, ./tests/test-isnanf.c, ./tests/test-isnanf.h, ./tests/test-isnanl.c, ./tests/test-lseek.c, ./tests/test-mbscasecmp.c, ./tests/test-mbscasestr1.c, ./tests/test-mbscasestr2.c, ./tests/test-mbscasestr3.c, ./tests/test-mbscasestr4.c, ./tests/test-mbschr.c, ./tests/test-mbscspn.c, ./tests/test-mbsncasecmp.c, ./tests/test-mbspbrk.c, ./tests/test-mbspcasecmp.c, ./tests/test-mbsrchr.c, ./tests/test-mbsspn.c, ./tests/test-mbsstr1.c, ./tests/test-mbsstr2.c, ./tests/test-mbsstr3.c, ./tests/test-netdb.c, ./tests/test-printf-frexp.c, ./tests/test-printf-frexpl.c, ./tests/test-printf-posix.c, ./tests/test-printf-posix.h, ./tests/test-round2.c, ./tests/test-sleep.c, ./tests/test-snprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-snprintf.c, ./tests/test-sprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-stat-time.c, ./tests/test-striconv.c, ./tests/test-striconveha.c, ./tests/test-sys_stat.c, ./tests/test-trunc1.c, ./tests/test-trunc2.c, ./tests/test-truncf1.c, ./tests/test-truncf2.c, ./tests/test-vasnprintf-posix2.c, ./tests/test-vasnprintf.c, ./tests/test-vasprintf.c, ./tests/test-vfprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-vprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-vsnprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-vsnprintf.c, ./tests/test-vsprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-wcwidth.c, ./tests/test-xfprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-xprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-xvasprintf.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u16-strconv-to-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u32-strconv-to-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u8-strconv-to-enc.c, ./tests/unictype/test-bidi_byname.c, ./tests/unictype/test-bidi_name.c, ./tests/unictype/test-bidi_of.c, ./tests/unictype/test-bidi_test.c, ./tests/unictype/test-block_list.c, ./tests/unictype/test-block_of.c, ./tests/unictype/test-block_test.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_and.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_and_not.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_byname.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_name.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_none.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_of.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_or.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_test_withtable.c, ./tests/unictype/test-combining.c, ./tests/unictype/test-mirror.c, ./tests/unictype/test-numeric.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_test.c, ./tests/unictype/test-predicate-part1.h, ./tests/unictype/test-scripts.c, ./tests/unictype/test-sy_c_ident.c, ./tests/unictype/test-sy_java_ident.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u16-asnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u16-vasnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u16-vasnprintf2.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u16-vasnprintf3.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u16-vasprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u32-asnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u32-vasnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u32-vasnprintf2.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u32-vasnprintf3.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u32-vasprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u8-asnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u8-vasnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u8-vasnprintf2.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u8-vasnprintf3.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u8-vasprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-ulc-asnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-ulc-vasnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-ulc-vasnprintf2.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-ulc-vasnprintf3.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-ulc-vasprintf1.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-u16-strwidth.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-u16-width.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-u32-strwidth.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-u32-width.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-u8-strwidth.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-u8-width.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-uc_width.c, ./tests/uniwidth/test-uc_width2.c
+Copyright: 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/fbufmode.c, ./lib/fflush.c, ./lib/fopen.c, ./lib/fpurge.c, ./lib/freadable.c, ./lib/freadahead.c, ./lib/freading.c, ./lib/freadptr.c, ./lib/freadseek.c, ./lib/fseterr.c, ./lib/fwritable.c, ./lib/fwriting.c, ./lib/, ./lib/open.c, ./lib/signbitd.c, ./lib/strerror.c, ./tests/nan.h, ./tests/test-bitrotate.c, ./tests/test-ceill.c, ./tests/test-dprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-fcntl-safer.c, ./tests/test-floorl.c, ./tests/test-fopen-safer.c, ./tests/test-fopen.c, ./tests/test-fopen.h, ./tests/test-fpurge.c, ./tests/test-freadseek.c, ./tests/test-frexpl.c, ./tests/test-fstrcmp.c, ./tests/test-isnan.c, ./tests/test-isnanl.h, ./tests/test-ldexpl.c, ./tests/test-mbmemcasecmp.c, ./tests/test-mbmemcasecmp.h, ./tests/test-mbmemcasecoll.c, ./tests/test-open.c, ./tests/test-open.h, ./tests/test-snprintf-posix.h, ./tests/test-sprintf-posix.h, ./tests/test-striconveh.c, ./tests/test-sys_select.c, ./tests/test-truncl.c, ./tests/test-vasnprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-vasprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-vdprintf-posix.c, ./tests/test-wchar.c, ./tests/test-wctype.c, ./tests/unicase/test-locale-language.c, ./tests/unicase/test-mapping-part1.h, ./tests/unicase/test-predicate-part1.h, ./tests/uniconv/test-u16-conv-from-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u16-conv-to-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u16-strconv-from-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u32-conv-from-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u32-conv-to-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u32-strconv-from-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u8-conv-from-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u8-conv-to-enc.c, ./tests/uniconv/test-u8-strconv-from-enc.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_byname.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u16-vsnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u16-vsprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u32-vsnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u32-vsprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u8-vsnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-u8-vsprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-ulc-vsnprintf1.c, ./tests/unistdio/test-ulc-vsprintf1.c
+Copyright: 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/ncftpput-ftp, ./tests/test-rawmemchr.c, ./tests/test-strchrnul.c, ./tests/test-strtod.c
+Copyright: 2008 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/accept.c, ./lib/bind.c, ./lib/btowc.c, ./lib/connect.c, ./lib/fclose.c, ./lib/getpeername.c, ./lib/getsockname.c, ./lib/isnand.c, ./lib/listen.c, ./lib/mbsinit.c, ./lib/mbsnrtowcs.c, ./lib/mbsrtowcs.c, ./lib/memchr2.h, ./lib/parse-duration.c, ./lib/parse-duration.h, ./lib/perror.c, ./lib/rawmemchr.c, ./lib/recv.c, ./lib/recvfrom.c, ./lib/, ./lib/send.c, ./lib/sendto.c, ./lib/shutdown.c, ./lib/sig-handler.h, ./lib/sigaction.c, ./lib/sigpipe-die.c, ./lib/sigpipe-die.h, ./lib/w32sock.h, ./lib/wcrtomb.c, ./lib/wcsnrtombs.c, ./lib/wcsrtombs.c, ./lib/wctob.c, ./lib/xmemdup0.c, ./lib/xmemdup0.h, ./tests/test-cond.c, ./tests/test-copy-acl.c, ./tests/test-copy-file.c, ./tests/test-environ.c, ./tests/test-errno.c, ./tests/test-getdtablesize.c, ./tests/test-lstat.c, ./tests/test-mbrtowc.c, ./tests/test-mbsinit.c, ./tests/test-mbsnrtowcs.c, ./tests/test-mbsrtowcs.c, ./tests/test-random_r.c, ./tests/test-sameacls.c, ./tests/test-select-fd.c, ./tests/test-select-stdin.c, ./tests/test-set-mode-acl.c, ./tests/test-sigaction.c, ./tests/test-sys_times.c, ./tests/test-times.c, ./tests/, ./tests/test-wcrtomb.c, ./tests/test-wcsnrtombs.c, ./tests/test-wcsrtombs.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-u16-possible-linebreaks.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-u16-width-linebreaks.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-u32-possible-linebreaks.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-u32-width-linebreaks.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-u8-possible-linebreaks.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-u8-width-linebreaks.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-ulc-possible-linebreaks.c, ./tests/unilbrk/test-ulc-width-linebreaks.c
+Copyright: 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-gethostname.c, ./tests/test-sockets.c
+Copyright: 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/gitlog-to-changelog, ./build-aux/useless-if-before-free, ./lib/bitrotate.h, ./lib/ioctl.c, ./lib/sockets.h, ./tests/test-posix_spawn1.c, ./tests/test-posix_spawn2.c, ./tests/test-posix_spawn3.c, ./tests/
+Copyright: 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-memchr.c, ./tests/test-memchr2.c, ./tests/test-memcmp.c, ./tests/test-memrchr.c
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argv-iter.c, ./lib/argv-iter.h, ./lib/close.c, ./lib/getdtablesize.c, ./lib/getsockopt.c, ./lib/ignore-value.h, ./lib/mbsrtowcs-state.c, ./lib/setsockopt.c, ./lib/socket.c, ./lib/sockets.c, ./lib/stdio-write.c, ./lib/wcsrtombs-state.c, ./lib/write.c, ./tests/test-argv-iter.c, ./tests/test-fflush2.c, ./tests/test-file-has-acl.c, ./tests/test-func.c, ./tests/test-obstack-printf.c, ./tests/test-parse-duration.c, ./tests/test-sched.c, ./tests/test-select.c
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/filevercmp.c, ./lib/filevercmp.h
+Copyright: 2008-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc / 1995 Ian Jackson <> / 2001 Anthony Towns <>
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/test-hash.c
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/argp-version-etc.c, ./lib/argp-version-etc.h, ./lib/dirent--.h, ./lib/dirent-safer.h, ./lib/dprintf.c, ./lib/faccessat.c, ./lib/idpriv-drop.c, ./lib/idpriv-droptemp.c, ./lib/idpriv.h, ./lib/opendir-safer.c, ./lib/pipe-filter.h, ./lib/popen-safer.c, ./lib/popen.c, ./lib/priv-set.c, ./lib/priv-set.h, ./lib/symlinkat.c, ./lib/uname.c, ./lib/vdprintf.c, ./lib/xstriconveh.c, ./tests/test-alignof.c, ./tests/test-argp-version-etc.c, ./tests/test-dirent-safer.c, ./tests/test-dup2.c, ./tests/test-dup3.c, ./tests/test-exclude.c, ./tests/, ./tests/, ./tests/, ./tests/, ./tests/, ./tests/, ./tests/, ./tests/test-fchdir.c, ./tests/test-fdopendir.c, ./tests/test-fnmatch.c, ./tests/test-getopt.c, ./tests/test-getopt.h, ./tests/test-getopt_long.h, ./tests/test-glob.c, ./tests/test-idpriv-drop.c, ./tests/test-idpriv-droptemp.c, ./tests/test-openat-safer.c, ./tests/test-pipe-filter-gi1.c, ./tests/test-pipe-filter-gi2-child.c, ./tests/test-pipe-filter-gi2-main.c, ./tests/, ./tests/test-pipe-filter-ii1.c, ./tests/test-pipe-filter-ii2-child.c, ./tests/test-pipe-filter-ii2-main.c, ./tests/, ./tests/test-popen-safer.c, ./tests/test-popen-safer2.c, ./tests/test-popen.c, ./tests/test-popen.h, ./tests/test-priv-set.c, ./tests/test-signal.c, ./tests/test-stddef.c, ./tests/test-symlinkat.c, ./tests/test-sys_utsname.c, ./tests/test-u64.c, ./tests/test-uname.c, ./tests/test-version-etc.c, ./tests/unicase/test-casecmp.h, ./tests/unicase/test-is-cased.h, ./tests/unicase/test-is-casefolded.h, ./tests/unicase/test-is-lowercase.h, ./tests/unicase/test-is-titlecase.h, ./tests/unicase/test-is-uppercase.h, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-casecmp.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-casecoll.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-casefold.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-is-cased.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-is-casefolded.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-is-lowercase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-is-titlecase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-is-uppercase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-tolower.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-totitle.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u16-toupper.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-casecmp.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-casecoll.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-casefold.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-is-cased.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-is-casefolded.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-is-lowercase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-is-titlecase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-is-uppercase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-tolower.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-totitle.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u32-toupper.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-casecmp.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-casecoll.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-casefold.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-is-cased.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-is-casefolded.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-is-lowercase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-is-titlecase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-is-uppercase.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-tolower.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-totitle.c, ./tests/unicase/test-u8-toupper.c, ./tests/unicase/test-ulc-casecmp.c, ./tests/unicase/test-ulc-casecoll.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-canonical-decomposition.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-compat-decomposition.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-composition.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-decomposing-form.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-decomposition.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-nfc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-nfd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-nfkc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-nfkd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u16-nfc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u16-nfd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u16-nfkc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u16-nfkd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u16-normcmp.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u16-normcmp.h, ./tests/uninorm/test-u16-normcoll.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfc-big.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfd-big.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfkc-big.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfkc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfkd-big.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-nfkd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-normalize-big.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-normalize-big.h, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-normcmp.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-normcmp.h, ./tests/uninorm/test-u32-normcoll.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u8-nfc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u8-nfd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u8-nfkc.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u8-nfkd.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u8-normcmp.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-u8-normcmp.h, ./tests/uninorm/test-u8-normcoll.c, ./tests/uninorm/test-uninorm-filter-nfc.c, ./tests/uniwbrk/test-u16-wordbreaks.c, ./tests/uniwbrk/test-u32-wordbreaks.c, ./tests/uniwbrk/test-u8-wordbreaks.c, ./tests/uniwbrk/test-ulc-wordbreaks.c, ./tests/zerosize-ptr.h
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc / 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/unicase/test-mapping-part2.h
+Copyright: == c); / == mapping[i].value); / 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-decdigit.c, ./tests/unictype/test-digit.c
+Copyright: == mapping[i].value); / == -1); / 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./tests/, ./tests/
+Copyright: Free Software Foundation, Inc / [0-9]\{4,4\}//' | / 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbsstr.c
+Copyright: c / 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/config.libpath
+Copyright: 1996-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./lib/uniwbrk/wbrkprop.h
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2004, 2007-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./lib/unilbrk/lbrkprop1.h, ./lib/unilbrk/lbrkprop2.h
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2004, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./build-aux/reloc-ldflags
+Copyright: 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unicase/test-cased.c, ./tests/unicase/test-ignorable.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_C.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Cn.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_L.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Ll.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Lo.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Lu.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_M.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Mc.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Mn.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_N.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_P.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Pe.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Po.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Ps.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_S.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Sm.c, ./tests/unictype/test-categ_So.c, ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_alnum.c, ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_alpha.c, ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_graph.c, ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_lower.c, ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_print.c, ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_punct.c, ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_upper.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_alphabetic.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_left_to_right.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_non_spacing_mark.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_other_neutral.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_combining.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_composite.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_diacritic.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_grapheme_base.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_grapheme_extend.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_id_continue.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_id_start.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_left_of_pair.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_lowercase.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_math.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_numeric.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_alphabetic.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_math.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_punctuation.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_terminal_punctuation.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_unassigned_code_value.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_uppercase.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_xid_continue.c, ./tests/unictype/test-pr_xid_start.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_blank.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_blank 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-sy_c_whitespace.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_c_whitespace 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_cntrl.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_cntrl 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_digit.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_digit 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Me.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Me)
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Nd.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Nd)
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_No.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_No)
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Pd.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Pd)
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Pf.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Pf)
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Sc.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Sc)
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Zl.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Zl)
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_arabic_digit.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_bidi_arabic_digit 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_block_separator.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_bidi_block_separator 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_eur_num_separator.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_bidi_eur_num_separator 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_hebrew_right_to_left.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_bidi_hebrew_right_to_left 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_pdf.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_bidi_pdf 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_segment_separator.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_bidi_segment_separator 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_whitespace.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_bidi_whitespace 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_dash.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_dash 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_decimal_digit.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_decimal_digit 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_deprecated.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_deprecated 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_extender.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_extender 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_format_control.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_format_control 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_grapheme_link.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_grapheme_link 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_hyphen.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_hyphen 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_ids_trinary_operator.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_ids_trinary_operator 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_iso_control.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_iso_control 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_line_separator.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_line_separator 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_grapheme_extend.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_other_grapheme_extend 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_id_start.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_other_id_start 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_paired_punctuation.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_paired_punctuation 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_paragraph_separator.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_paragraph_separator 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_pattern_syntax.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_pattern_syntax 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_pattern_white_space.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_pattern_white_space 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_quotation_mark.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_quotation_mark 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_space.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_space 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_titlecase.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_titlecase 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_white_space.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_white_space 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_zero_width.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_property_zero_width 
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_space.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc / uc_is_space 
+Files: ./lib/uninorm/composition-table.gperf, ./tests/unicase/test-uc_tolower.c, ./tests/unicase/test-uc_totitle.c, ./tests/unicase/test-uc_toupper.c
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Cc.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Cc) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Cf.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Cf) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Co.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Co) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Cs.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Cs) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Lm.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Lm) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Lt.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Lt) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Nl.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Nl) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Pc.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Pc) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Pi.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Pi) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Sk.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Sk) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Z.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Z) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Zp.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Zp) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-categ_Zs.c
+Copyright: uc_is_general_category (c, UC_CATEGORY_Zs) / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-sy_java_whitespace.c
+Copyright: uc_is_java_whitespace  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_ascii_hex_digit.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_ascii_hex_digit  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_arabic_right_to_left.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_bidi_arabic_right_to_left  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_boundary_neutral.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_bidi_boundary_neutral  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_common_separator.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_bidi_common_separator  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_control.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_bidi_control  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_embedding_or_override.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_bidi_embedding_or_override  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_eur_num_terminator.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_bidi_eur_num_terminator  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_bidi_european_digit.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_bidi_european_digit  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_currency_symbol.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_currency_symbol  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_default_ignorable_code_point.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_default_ignorable_code_point  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_hex_digit.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_hex_digit  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_ideographic.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_ideographic  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_ids_binary_operator.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_ids_binary_operator  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_ignorable_control.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_ignorable_control  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_join_control.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_join_control  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_logical_order_exception.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_logical_order_exception  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_non_break.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_non_break  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_not_a_character.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_not_a_character  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_default_ignorable_code_point.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_other_default_ignorable_code_point  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_id_continue.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_other_id_continue  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_lowercase.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_other_lowercase  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_other_uppercase.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_other_uppercase  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_private_use.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_private_use  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_radical.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_radical  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_sentence_terminal.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_sentence_terminal  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_soft_dotted.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_soft_dotted  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_unified_ideograph.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_unified_ideograph  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-pr_variation_selector.c
+Copyright: uc_is_property_variation_selector  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./tests/unictype/test-ctype_xdigit.c
+Copyright: uc_is_xdigit  / 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+Files: ./lib/inet_ntop.c
+Copyright: 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc / 1996-1999 by Internet Software Consortium
+License: ISC GPL 
+Files: ./lib/inet_pton.c
+Copyright: 1996,1999 by Internet Software Consortium / 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: ISC GPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/localename.c
+Copyright: 1995-1999, 2000-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL 
+Files: ./lib/relocatable.h
+Copyright: 2003, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL 
+Files: ./lib/relocatable.c
+Copyright: 2003-2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL 
+Files: ./lib/localename.h
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL 
+Files: ./lib/flock.c, ./lib/fsync.c
+Copyright: 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-2.1+ 
+Files: ./lib/strsignal.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1994-2002, 2005, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./lib/atoll.c
+Copyright: 1991, 1997, 1998, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./lib/glob-libc.h
+Copyright: 1991,92,95-98,2000,2001,2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./lib/glob.c
+Copyright: 1991-2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
+License: LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./lib/
+Copyright: 1995,96,97,98,99,2000,2004,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./lib/siglist.h
+Copyright: 1996,97,98,99,2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./lib/safe-alloc.c, ./lib/safe-alloc.h, ./tests/test-safe-alloc.c
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-2.1+ (with incorrect FSF address) 
+Files: ./tests/test-tsearch.c
+Copyright: 1997, 2000-2001, 2007-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistdio/u-printf-parse.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistdio/u-asnprintf.h, ./lib/unistdio/u-asprintf.h, ./lib/unistdio/u-printf-args.h, ./lib/unistdio/u-snprintf.h, ./lib/unistdio/u-sprintf.h, ./lib/unistdio/u16-asnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-asprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-snprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-sprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-asnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-asprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-snprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-sprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-asnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-asprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-snprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-sprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-asnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-asprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-snprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-sprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-asnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-asprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-snprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-sprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-asnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-asprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-snprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-sprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-asnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-snprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-sprintf.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistr/u-cpy.h, ./lib/unistr/u-move.h, ./lib/unistr/u-set.h, ./lib/unistr/u-stpcpy.h, ./lib/unistr/u-stpncpy.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strcat.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strcpy.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strcspn.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strlen.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strncat.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strncpy.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strnlen.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strpbrk.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strspn.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strstr.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strtok.h, ./lib/unistr/u16-cmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-cpy-alloc.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-cpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-move.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-set.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-stpncpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strcat.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strcmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strcpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strcspn.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strdup.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strncat.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strncmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strncpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strnlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strpbrk.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strspn.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strstr.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strtok.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-chr.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-cmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-cpy-alloc.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-cpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-move.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-set.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-stpcpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-stpncpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strcat.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strchr.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strcmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strcpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strcspn.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strdup.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strncat.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strncmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strncpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strnlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strpbrk.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strrchr.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strspn.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strstr.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strtok.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-stpcpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-stpncpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strcspn.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strnlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strpbrk.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strspn.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strstr.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strtok.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistdio/u-printf-args.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-vasnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-vasprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-vsnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-u16-vsprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-vasnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-vasprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-vsnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u16-vsprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-vasnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-vasprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-vsnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-u32-vsprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-vasnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-vasprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-vsnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-vsprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-vasnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-vasprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-vsnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-u8-vsprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-vasnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-vasprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-vsnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-vsprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-asprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-vasnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-vasprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-vsnprintf.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-vsprintf.c, ./lib/unistr/u-strdup.h, ./lib/unistr/u16-chr.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-stpcpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strchr.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strrchr.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-chr.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strchr.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strrchr.c
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistr/u-cpy-alloc.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistdio/u-vasprintf.h, ./lib/unistdio/u-vsnprintf.h, ./lib/unistdio/u-vsprintf.h
+Copyright: 1999, 2002, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistdio/u16-printf-parse.c, ./lib/unistdio/u32-printf-parse.c, ./lib/unistdio/u8-printf-parse.c, ./lib/unistdio/ulc-printf-parse.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-mblen.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strmblen.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strmbtouc.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-mblen.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strmblen.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strmbtouc.c
+Copyright: 1999-2000, 2002, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistr/u16-mbtoucr.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-mbtoucr.c
+Copyright: 1999-2002, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistr/u16-mbtouc-unsafe.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-mbtouc.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-mbtouc-unsafe.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-mbtouc.c
+Copyright: 1999-2002, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniname.h
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unictype/bitmap.h, ./lib/unictype/identsyntaxmap.h
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniname/uniname.c
+Copyright: 2000-2002, 2005-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/mbmemcasecoll.c, ./lib/mbmemcasecoll.h
+Copyright: 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniwidth.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniwidth/cjk.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistr.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniwidth/u16-strwidth.c, ./lib/uniwidth/u32-strwidth.c, ./lib/uniwidth/u32-width.c, ./lib/uniwidth/u8-strwidth.c
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniwidth/u16-width.c, ./lib/uniwidth/u8-width.c
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistr/u16-mbtouc-aux.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-mbtouc-unsafe-aux.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-mbtouc-aux.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-mbtouc-unsafe-aux.c
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniwidth/width.c
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/c-strcaseeq.h, ./lib/streq.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uninorm.h
+Copyright: 2001-2002, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unilbrk.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2005-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniwbrk.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unilbrk/lbrktables.h, ./lib/unilbrk/u16-width-linebreaks.c, ./lib/unilbrk/u32-width-linebreaks.c, ./lib/unilbrk/u8-width-linebreaks.c, ./lib/unilbrk/ulc-common.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unilbrk/lbrktables.c, ./lib/unilbrk/u16-possible-linebreaks.c, ./lib/unilbrk/u32-possible-linebreaks.c, ./lib/unilbrk/u8-possible-linebreaks.c, ./lib/unilbrk/ulc-possible-linebreaks.c, ./lib/unilbrk/ulc-width-linebreaks.c, ./lib/uniwbrk/ulc-wordbreaks.c, ./lib/uniwbrk/wordbreak-property.c
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uninorm/decomposition-table.h
+Copyright: 2001-2003, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniconv.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unitypes.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unistr/u16-uctomb.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-uctomb.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-uctomb.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2005-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unictype/pr_test.c, ./lib/unistdio.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2005-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unictype.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2005-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unictype/bidi_byname.c, ./lib/unictype/bidi_name.c, ./lib/unictype/bidi_of.c, ./lib/unictype/bidi_test.c, ./lib/unictype/combining.c, ./lib/unictype/decdigit.c, ./lib/unictype/digit.c, ./lib/unictype/mirror.c, ./lib/unistr/u-endswith.h, ./lib/unistr/u-startswith.h, ./lib/unistr/u16-endswith.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-next.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-startswith.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-check.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-endswith.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-startswith.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-cmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-cpy-alloc.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-cpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-endswith.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-move.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-next.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-set.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-startswith.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strcat.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strcmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strcpy.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strdup.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strncat.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strncmp.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strncpy.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unicase/simple-mapping.h, ./lib/unicase/tocasefold.c, ./lib/unicase/tolower.c, ./lib/unicase/totitle.c, ./lib/unicase/toupper.c, ./lib/uninorm/composition.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniconv/u-strconv-to-enc.h, ./lib/uniconv/u16-conv-from-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u16-strconv-from-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u16-strconv-from-locale.c, ./lib/uniconv/u16-strconv-to-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u16-strconv-to-locale.c, ./lib/uniconv/u32-conv-from-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u32-conv-to-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u32-strconv-from-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u32-strconv-from-locale.c, ./lib/uniconv/u32-strconv-to-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u32-strconv-to-locale.c, ./lib/uniconv/u8-strconv-from-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u8-strconv-from-locale.c, ./lib/uniconv/u8-strconv-to-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u8-strconv-to-locale.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_C.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cc.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cf.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cn.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Co.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Cs.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_L.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Ll.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lm.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lo.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lt.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Lu.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_M.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Mc.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Me.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Mn.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_N.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Nd.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Nl.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_No.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_P.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pc.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pd.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pe.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pf.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Pi.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Po.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Ps.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_S.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Sc.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Sk.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Sm.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_So.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Z.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Zl.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Zp.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_Zs.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_byname.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_name.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_of.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_test.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_alnum.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_alpha.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_blank.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_cntrl.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_digit.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_graph.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_lower.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_print.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_punct.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_space.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_upper.c, ./lib/unictype/ctype_xdigit.c, ./lib/unictype/numeric.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_alphabetic.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_ascii_hex_digit.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_arabic_digit.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_arabic_right_to_left.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_block_separator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_boundary_neutral.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_common_separator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_control.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_embedding_or_override.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_eur_num_separator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_eur_num_terminator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_european_digit.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_hebrew_right_to_left.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_left_to_right.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_non_spacing_mark.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_other_neutral.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_pdf.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_segment_separator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_bidi_whitespace.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_combining.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_composite.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_currency_symbol.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_dash.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_decimal_digit.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_default_ignorable_code_point.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_deprecated.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_diacritic.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_extender.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_format_control.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_grapheme_base.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_grapheme_extend.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_grapheme_link.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_hex_digit.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_hyphen.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_id_continue.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_id_start.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_ideographic.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_ids_binary_operator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_ids_trinary_operator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_ignorable_control.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_iso_control.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_join_control.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_left_of_pair.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_line_separator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_logical_order_exception.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_lowercase.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_math.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_non_break.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_not_a_character.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_numeric.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_alphabetic.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_default_ignorable_code_point.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_grapheme_extend.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_id_continue.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_id_start.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_lowercase.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_math.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_other_uppercase.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_paired_punctuation.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_paragraph_separator.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_pattern_syntax.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_pattern_white_space.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_private_use.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_punctuation.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_quotation_mark.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_radical.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_sentence_terminal.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_soft_dotted.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_space.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_terminal_punctuation.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_titlecase.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_unassigned_code_value.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_unified_ideograph.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_uppercase.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_variation_selector.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_white_space.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_xid_continue.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_xid_start.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_zero_width.c, ./lib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+Copyright: 2002, 2006-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unicase/cased.c, ./lib/unicase/ignorable.c, ./lib/uniconv/u-conv-from-enc.h, ./lib/uniconv/u-strconv-from-enc.h, ./lib/uniconv/u8-conv-from-enc.c, ./lib/uniconv/u8-conv-to-enc.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-mbtouc-unsafe.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-mbtouc.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2006-2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniconv/u16-conv-to-enc.c
+Copyright: 2002, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/uniconv/u-conv-to-enc.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unicase.h
+Copyright: 2002, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unictype/block_test.c, ./lib/unictype/blocks.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_and.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_and_not.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_none.c, ./lib/unictype/categ_or.c, ./lib/unictype/pr_byname.c, ./lib/unictype/scripts.c, ./lib/unictype/sy_c_ident.c, ./lib/unictype/sy_c_whitespace.c, ./lib/unictype/sy_java_ident.c, ./lib/unictype/sy_java_whitespace.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-mbsnlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-mbsnlen.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-mbsnlen.c
+Copyright: 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/array-mergesort.h, ./lib/close-hook.c, ./lib/close-hook.h, ./lib/mbmemcasecmp.h, ./lib/memcmp2.c, ./lib/memcmp2.h, ./lib/memxfrm.c, ./lib/memxfrm.h, ./lib/unicase/casefold.h, ./lib/unicase/caseprop.h, ./lib/unicase/context.h, ./lib/unicase/empty-prefix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/empty-suffix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/invariant.h, ./lib/unicase/locale-language.c, ./lib/unicase/special-casing.c, ./lib/unicase/special-casing.h, ./lib/unicase/u-casecmp.h, ./lib/unicase/u-casecoll.h, ./lib/unicase/u-casefold.h, ./lib/unicase/u-casemap.h, ./lib/unicase/u-casexfrm.h, ./lib/unicase/u-ct-casefold.h, ./lib/unicase/u-ct-totitle.h, ./lib/unicase/u-is-cased.h, ./lib/unicase/u-is-invariant.h, ./lib/unicase/u-prefix-context.h, ./lib/unicase/u-suffix-context.h, ./lib/unicase/u-totitle.h, ./lib/unicase/u16-casecmp.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-casecoll.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-casefold.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-casemap.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-casexfrm.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-ct-casefold.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-ct-tolower.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-ct-totitle.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-ct-toupper.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-is-cased.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-is-casefolded.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-is-invariant.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-is-lowercase.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-is-titlecase.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-is-uppercase.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-prefix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-suffix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-tolower.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-totitle.c, ./lib/unicase/u16-toupper.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-casecmp.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-casecoll.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-casefold.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-casemap.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-casexfrm.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-ct-casefold.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-ct-tolower.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-ct-totitle.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-ct-toupper.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-is-cased.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-is-casefolded.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-is-invariant.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-is-lowercase.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-is-titlecase.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-is-uppercase.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-prefix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-suffix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-tolower.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-totitle.c, ./lib/unicase/u32-toupper.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-casecmp.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-casecoll.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-casefold.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-casemap.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-casexfrm.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-ct-casefold.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-ct-tolower.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-ct-totitle.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-ct-toupper.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-is-cased.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-is-casefolded.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-is-invariant.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-is-lowercase.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-is-titlecase.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-is-uppercase.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-prefix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-suffix-context.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-tolower.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-totitle.c, ./lib/unicase/u8-toupper.c, ./lib/unicase/ulc-casecmp.c, ./lib/unicase/ulc-casecoll.c, ./lib/unicase/ulc-casexfrm.c, ./lib/unicase/unicasemap.h, ./lib/uninorm/canonical-decomposition.c, ./lib/uninorm/compat-decomposition.c, ./lib/uninorm/decompose-internal.c, ./lib/uninorm/decompose-internal.h, ./lib/uninorm/decomposing-form.c, ./lib/uninorm/decomposition-table.c, ./lib/uninorm/decomposition.c, ./lib/uninorm/nfc.c, ./lib/uninorm/nfd.c, ./lib/uninorm/nfkc.c, ./lib/uninorm/nfkd.c, ./lib/uninorm/normalize-internal.h, ./lib/uninorm/u-normalize-internal.h, ./lib/uninorm/u-normcmp.h, ./lib/uninorm/u-normcoll.h, ./lib/uninorm/u-normxfrm.h, ./lib/uninorm/u16-normalize.c, ./lib/uninorm/u16-normcmp.c, ./lib/uninorm/u16-normcoll.c, ./lib/uninorm/u16-normxfrm.c, ./lib/uninorm/u32-normalize.c, ./lib/uninorm/u32-normcmp.c, ./lib/uninorm/u32-normcoll.c, ./lib/uninorm/u32-normxfrm.c, ./lib/uninorm/u8-normalize.c, ./lib/uninorm/u8-normcmp.c, ./lib/uninorm/u8-normcoll.c, ./lib/uninorm/u8-normxfrm.c, ./lib/uninorm/uninorm-filter.c, ./lib/unistr/u-cmp2.h, ./lib/unistr/u-strcoll.h, ./lib/unistr/u16-cmp2.c, ./lib/unistr/u16-strcoll.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-cmp2.c, ./lib/unistr/u32-strcoll.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-cmp2.c, ./lib/unistr/u8-strcoll.c, ./lib/uniwbrk/u-wordbreaks.h, ./lib/uniwbrk/u16-wordbreaks.c, ./lib/uniwbrk/u32-wordbreaks.c, ./lib/uniwbrk/u8-wordbreaks.c, ./lib/uniwbrk/wbrktable.c, ./lib/uniwbrk/wbrktable.h, ./tests/test-array-mergesort.c
+Copyright: 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./lib/unilbrk/ulc-common.c
+Copyright: || c_isspace )) / 2001-2003, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+License: LGPL-3+ 
+Files: ./build-aux/install-sh
+Copyright: 1994 X Consortium
+License: MIT/X11 (BSD like) 
+The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be
+found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
+The complete text of the GNU General Public License Version 2 can be
+found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2
+The complete text of the GNU General Public License Version 3 can be
+found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
+The complete text of the GNU Lesser General Public License can be
+found in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL
+The complete text of the GNU Library General Public License Version 2 can be
+found in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2
+The complete text of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 can be
+found in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1
+The complete text of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 can be
+found in /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-3